44-More than sex

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"Kenma— you moaned out. You tried to wiggle your wrists to loosen his pinning but it was no use.

"Shut up," he said low and calmly. He was concentrated on pleasuring your clit, he had not moved his head once off your shoulder. His eyes proceeded to peer down, over your shoulder at his sinful hand movements.

"You're going too fast—

Another moan crept out from your mouth as you stared at his wet fingers stirring your pussy without remorse.

"You don't want them to come down and see how much of a slut you are for me.. hm?"
You began to shut your legs, but he savagely spread them again. He glanced over to you, giving you a gaze that communicated for you to better not do that again.

"Just let go of my wrists at least," you cried.

He blatantly ignored you.

You couldn't lie that his pinning them together did turn you on, but you couldn't cope with feeling trapped by him. You wished to, at the minimum, plug your voice shut with your hands.

You jerked your head forward and bit his thumb, causing him to release your fastened wrists, but only for a moment.

You heard him cuss under his breath.
He suddenly clasped a handful of your hair and pulled your head back in frustration before gripping your wrists once again.


"Don't make me call Kuroo and Mio down to see you like this.."

"No," you shook your head, suddenly becoming teary eyed. Pleasure was building and your orgasm was close. Kenma was giving you no mercy. A little rougher than usual.

Possibly because you bit him.

"Why not? You seem to be telling Kuroo our business anyway..what's wrong with showing him."

Or maybe that was what he was mad about.
Kuroo must've not been subtle at all.

You were going to respond, however your hips started dancing. Your climax was reaching and your voice was consumed by pleasure. You bit your lip to muffle and suppress your whine as much as you could. Kenma still continued to vigorously rubbed on your clit after you had finished. He watched it twitch and your legs start to close.

You let out soft pants as a result of your orgasm, Kenma watching with his chin resting, poking at the top of your head.

"Turn around to me."

He freed your wrists finally.
But, now you were embarrassed to look him directly in the eye with your flushed cheeks and teary eyes.

You turned yourself around, now facing him and sitting on his lap. Your bare pussy on his sweats as your underwear had slipped off your ankles and were now sitting somewhere on the carpet.

You still had your mini skirt on, but as mentioned, there was nothing under.

"That feel good?" He reached out and cupped your cheek. He ran his thumb over your wet eyelid, smudging your mascara just barely, but primarily aiming to discard of your tear.

You nodded your head.

"Come kiss daddy."
He whispered.

You did as asked, because as established already, this man could make you fold faster than a foldable chair. You were weak when it came to him and you despised it.

Although kissing him..

Kissing him made you melt.

He played with your lips like he owned them.
Maybe you even let him.
You wanted him to own them.
Peck and bite them passionately like you were lovers.

Any Extent- Kenma KozumeWhere stories live. Discover now