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You sat at your usual lunch table, eating your
ramen with head phones in, by yourself in the
cafeteria, in wait of a certain tall black haired boy.
You would normally just go and find him, but you
were still a little weak in the knees by being
pounded against the wall by a very long shlong last

At the moment you sat alone, as you did most of
the time as mentioned previously, you didn't have
many female friends.
It was all because of your strong friendship with
Kuroo and Kenma.
Many tried to pursue them both in which Kenmas
case, he wasn't fond of the whole relationship
commitment knowing he'd rather play on his
consoles then go out on dates taking part in lovey
dovey activities.

It just was not his cup of tea.

Which was why he rejected any and every girl who
confessed to him furthermore tried to get close
with him.

Although, the girls found his common rejection a
mystery, him a figure who never spoke his mind
never giving a reason why, a query at best.

So what quality did you have that Kenma tolerated
and no one else obtained? Envious and jealous thoughts swarmed a great percentage of their heads.
But what didnt help was the fact that you were also
best friends with Kuroo.

Kuroo who was recognised as a charming and
playful hottie who could bring a smile to most
females faces.
Kuroo could practically finesse anyone's partner
with just a flash of his perfect teeth and a a gaze
from those beautiful eyes that was just one of his
gorgeous features from his God constructed jawline
to his soft looking lips.

However, his looks was what grew the boys ego.
Kuroo took advantage of how those girls would
desperately beg to be in his presence.

He was a player.

No girl he'd mess with would be exclusive, if he got
bored he'd switch partners.
Although, if the boy was cruel about it, you
wouldn't have ever befriended him.

It was only because Kuroo put everything out in the
open, being completely and utterly honest to the
fact that he wasn't ever just with one girl and if the
girls he fucked around didn't like that then he wasn't the type for them.

But the problem with these girls were that they
became too clingy to the boys appeal and
desirability and didn't care if they were simply a
day of the week to soothe Kuroo's pleasure as long
as he gave them that attention.
And yet, he was different around you, treated you
differently and how he openly flirted with you and
you didn't entertain it made it seem like you felt
you were too good for him.

They yearned to be in your position.

Which was why some of them were so toxic. You
had just rather been alone.
And you knew your personality wasn't the issue
because you knew you didn't act out in any way
that could be perceived as unlikeable or even so
bad to receive greedy glares for most the females in

After the slurping of a mouthful of noodles, you
looked up as you spot two girls taking a seat at your

Martha and Gia.

They were mutual friends so you didn't have much
of a problem with it, but whenever you were
around them you came to have the feeling that they
were just as Kenma- Kuroo crazy as the great

"Hey," Gia and Martha spoke simultaneously.

Gia smiled, a bright smile from her thin lips
blossoming across her face .

You swallowed your food releasing your left plug
from ear before greeting them back.

"We noticed you were on your own again." Martha
spoke. pushing back her brown wavy hair.

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