27- Dominated

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Both your palms were still gripped onto Kenmas length, a little too tight because you were frustrated by what you had just heard.
You had not simply managed to gain one point in this matter and now Kenma and Kuroo were in control.

"Your performance was.. cute, (y/n), I appreciate the effort.." Kenma began.

He rose from the bean bag he was previously sunk down on, virtually exhibiting he was on a higher level then you, and right after looked to his black haired friend who had already paused his hammering in and out of your body, and gestures him another wink.

He lifted up your face by placing his index finger to your chin and flaunted his mortifying grin. He had been waiting for your unfair advantage to falter and it was merely revenge.

"But now.. you'll see what a real show looks like." Kenma set his palm harshly to the back of your head, holding it tightly, with more force.

You looked up at him in awe and all he did was
grin. He pushed your head towards his hard dick you had failed to let release.

"Suck," he demanded.

You continued to gaze up at him disobeying his
demand as you held your lips together.
"You want to be stubborn is it?"

You didn't voice a word in case an open mouth was what he desired. You noiselessly gawked at him, giving him tempting eyes with a speck of cheekiness also.

You then observed as Kenmas eyes flung over to Kuroos who knelt behind you with his tip still
poking at your opening. Kenma peered at Kuroo as if he was communicating with him through eye contact. Without hesitation, Kuroo clutched onto your hips and slammed into your body from the back leading to the widening of your eyes and mouth.

A hushed gasp left your lips.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Kenma chuckled

With the hand that wasn't gripping your head
firmly, Kenma stuck his thumb in your mouth,
tugging down your bottom row, additionally
widening the circle shape your mouth was in.

He then pushed your head onto his rock hard dick, with its now loosened budge to your head, permitted him to aggressively throat fuck you as Kuroo deeply fucked you from the back.

Although the placement of Kuroos fingers held you with such delicacy, as if your body was a fragile sheet of glass, his hips bucked into you with roughness and depth.

His hips rocked as if he wanted to you to feel every inch of himself enter you, to feel him in your stomach, to make a permanent shape of himself inside you.

You squeezed around him, tightening from
pleasure becoming the cause for why a high pitched groan reverberated from his mouth.

"Fuck, my pretty princess is such a whore," Kuroo crouched lower to speak into your ear.

You would have liked to reply but there was a large dick slipping in and out of your throat with persistence.

The penetration from the black haired male to
your pussy and the cruel shoving in and out of your throat brought so much pleasure and unstableness your eyes began to water, and soon roll down your cheek.

Wet, gloopy immorai sounds from his Kenmas cock coated in your saliva and spit and his precum were hitting against the inner parts of your cheeks and the back of your now sticky throat echoed across the room. It sounded excessively slimy and nasty.

You moaned loudly against the blondes length
causing Kenma to feel feeble vibrations, increasing his delight. It led to him breathing heavy, trying to suppress his moans.

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