36- Jealous

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Throughout the morning you weren't feeling very energetic, receiving the bad news you would have to return to your home with the addition that it was a Monday morning was excessively bitter.

Kenma drove you as well as himself to school. You didn't say anything to him and he didn't say anything to you. You didn't want to thank him again for comforting you last night because at this point, you knew he wasn't doing you a favour, he was doing it because you were friends. And he was showing his care.

It was just the two of you and Kenma's car playlist that consisted mostly of Carti, Tyler the Creator and Kanye. Although he didn't say much, he tapped along on the wheel the whole ride.

You both got out of the car and walked in together, Kuroo was stood directly at the entrance waiting for you. You prepared yourself as the male didn't look too happy.

And you knew why.

"(Y/n)! How many times did I call and text you last night? I was so worried and you didn't give me any feedback on how it went. I had to get it from Kenma."

"Sorry. I wasn't feeling it," you mumbled.

The vein popping out of his head had softened and he had realised the significance of the situation. He suddenly pulled you in for a hug and began kissing the top of your head, apologising over and over for yelling.

"I don't wanna watch this so I'll see you guys later..." Kenma rolled his eyes at the scene, before he headed down the hallway.

"Okay okay, thanks," you pushed Kuroo off you. But in the most gentle way because his gesture was sweet. You couldn't help but smile a little, which made Kuroo smile a lot.

You felt somewhat better knowing that regardless of what happened you had two caring friends.

First period was moving unbelievably slow, you found yourself staring at the back of Kenma's head the whole time, but really just day dreaming.
He sat all the way at the front whilst you sat at the back.

You were pretty sure the blonde was sleeping as you had registered the fact he hadn't moved from his slumped position for almost half an hour.

However this differed as Miss Endo entered the classroom, but not alone. With a new student.

"I'm just showing Miss Chiba her math class," Miss Endo smiled.

Your math teacher nodded, pausing her lesson.

"You want to introduce yourself, Miss Chiba..?" Your math teacher questioned.

"Um yeah.... I'm Harina Chiba.."

That name is familiar.

It made you snap out of your day dream and get a distinct scan of the girl.

"I've transferred from St Mary's.. and I uh.. I like to cook.. sometimes," she shrugged at the end, not knowing what to say. That's when she took a glance around the room and made eye contact with you.

You recognised her in an instant, and you figured she did too as she smiled at you very cutely.

"I also need to borrow Kenma Kozume for a while," Miss Endo glanced around the room for then looked down at the blond mop of hair at the front desk.

"Hello?" She tapped on his desk, attempting to awaken the boy.

"I'm gonna need you to wake up," she tapped harder.

"Kozume!" She yelled.

"Damn.. so loud.." Kenma murmured, his head slowly rising from his crossed arms.

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