38- My jealous girl

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Stoppp itttt
I came again.

Kenma halted the vibrations of the toy from the remote control displayed on his phone once he had noticed.

You let out a deep whine whilst your thighs quivered monstrously. You came on his bed but he didn't seem to care. He continued to stroke your hair as you whined and sobbed with your head against his stomach.

"Take these off please," you quit your loud whining, finally coming down from your high. You smacked your chained wrists against his stomach mindfully out of frustration, desperate for the tears to not fall from your watery eyes, but they defied you.

His hands departed from your hair, and his dominant one clutched onto your cheek, his thumb wiping away your salty streaks of tears from your warm cheek.

"Not yet."

You let out a sigh as he sat next to you on the bed.
Kenmas eyes fell to your shaking legs, he stared at them tactically for a moment before resting his hand on the thigh closest to him.

He rubbed on it for a bit with a stone face.

You wondered what he was thinking, plotting, scheming. He had all the power, the ability to destroy you the way he desired, and he was sure going to transcend you in points excessively by the time he was done.

You were a mess already, you feared what else could be next.

"Shaking like this..and it's bound to only get worse." Kenmas stone cold face has shattered in an instant, a gleaming grin on his lips, as he looked you in your eyes. Just like a villain.

That gaze told you what was necessary. He was going to show you no mercy.

"Here. Come here." He raised both his hands out, commanding you to sit on his lap.

You put on a brave face, a façade, aware that you'd struggle to sit on his crotch, you were conscious of the fact you were whining to him not too long ago, but the males legs where spread seductively and he was softly calling out to you.

It was enough to make you fold.

He assisted you, grabbing your hips as you were rocking unsteadily with your shaking thighs attempting to get on his crotch.

You sat submissively straddling the blondes hips with the pink toy motionless in your cunt.
You felt shy in this position, distraught at your inferiority. But mainly what caused your shyness was the audacious look in his eyes, the boyish grin on his lips as his hands brushed up and down the spine of your back, that somewhat tranquillised you.

What was he to do next?

He didn't appear to be reaching for his phone anytime soon.

Various notions clouded your head as you locked eyes with him. One suddenly stood out.

"What—what happened next?"


"Chiba..kissed you. And you—even used those lips to—ugh—I basically kissed Chiba...wait, did you kiss her back?"

Kenma just stared at you and smiled.

It was cute for a moment before you snapped back into the reality of things. He put his hands up to your cheeks and began stretching and moulding them to fabricate silly expressions like an adolescent, obviously aiming to soften your distress.

"Don't look so serious," he chuckled.

"Jus—ell me then ," your words unclear as you failed to speak properly, purely because he was tugging at your cheeks.

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