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You opened your eyes, unable to workout the
setting you lay in for the reason that your vision
had become blurry.

You rubbed your eyelids which shifted the crust
sitting in the corner of your eyes. You then blinked

You smiled as you glanced around the room, your
peer sharper then before.
The warm fluffy sheets of the guest room was what
had born that smile, furthermore the recollection
of Kenmas irritated face last night when you had
written the jump of nine points ahead of him.

It really was an enchanting feeling.

You took part in your early morning routine of your
awkward stretching poses letting out a long yawn
in the process.

Next, you took your phone off the bedside table
reading the time.

Twelve twenty seven.

That was perfect for you.
Unlike in your own home where every weekend you
had to wake up at the least nine o clock to study for
four hours. And if you didn't you weren't allowed to
go anywhere until those hours were completed.

So sleeping in, in comparison to your usual lifestyle
was truly beautiful.
It made you realise how much you had restricted at
your house. As you scrolled through your recent messages, you had come to the realisation you never informed Kuroo about your grand win last night.

Even though you were aware that Kuroo replied
quickly whenever you texted, you aspired to see his
reaction on camera.

You facetimed the boy.

It didn't take too long for him to pick up. He
himself, lay in bed. Half of his face was buried in
his pillow, that same pillow that his naked bicep
hugged comfortably. His eyes were shut giving the
impression that he had just awaken. His cheeks
and nose were detectably blushed.
He peeped slowly out the eye that wasn't being
smooshed against his pillow.

You rolled your body over to the side, a small smile
presented on your lips.

"Hey baby. "

Kuroo: " That's my line," he smirked.

Kuroo: "You're still in bed. Wow your really living
your life on the edge," he teased, his voice was
perceptibly croaky from just waking up,
furthermore his words were followed by a scratchy

"Yeah," you laughed.

"It's a lavish life right now," you added.

Kuroo: "I'm happy you feel good," he replied, a
short yawn arrived right after.

"Awh. But before I say what I'm 'bout to say, is
there any groups of women in your bed?"

He voiced an insulted laugh.
Kuroo: "No..there isn't any. In fact I think you
have hurt my pride so many times I'm gonna sit

His eyes were fully opened at this point and his
tone was sincere.

"Are you for real?"

Kuroo: "Yeah. Imma take my diLLi piCKlE On
vaCAtiOn, as you'd say."

The way he imitated your voice made you goofy

"No but don't stop it because of me. Enjoy clapping
them cheeks."

Kuroo: "Shut up," he chuckled with a raspy pitch.

Kuroo: "But I'm serious. I think I'll just chill for a
bit," he continued, he lifted up his arm to push his
black strands of hair away from his face.

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