[Chapter 2]

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"Wubbox, you can not let your emotions get the better of you like that."


"Do not make me send you to Scaratar's!"

"Stupid bitch!"
He yelled back. Galvana rushed to him grabbing his arm and pulling him forward.
"Stop! Let go!" He tried to pull away, but she held onto his arm hard. She dragged him to the door and out into the hall.
Scaratar was the best at handling children, and when she had heard about Wubbox, Scaratar had given her permission to leave Wubbox with her at anytime. She had left Wubbox with her many times to do her work on more creations, but nothing she did would keep Wubbox under control; Scaratar, on the other hand, could usually calm him down, and she would send him back once he wasn't anymore of a nuisance—or at the end of the day.
Galvana opened the door to her room, swinging Wubbox in, then shutting the door. Galvana never had to ask if Scaratar was free, because she always was. Unless she was told to do something specific, she worked in her journal and read books.
Scaratar breathed in. "What is it this time?" She asked.

"Mom being a bitch." He growled.

"Do not use those words, young man. I will not hesitate to correct you. Now, why is your mother getting on your nerves?"

"..Mom isn't listening to me, and Dad is just never here for me to talk to! Maybe Dad should just be home more, because he's the one that listens to me."

"Have you told your mother that?"


"Why not?"

"She won't listen. She's just absent from trying to interact with me unless I'm being bad!"

"Well thats not good. Does she act like that all the time, or when she's working?"

"Well, she tried to teach me things before, but when i wasn't learning anything, she stopped trying."

"Come here." She assured him forwards. He came to her side, and she gave him half-hug. Just a hug seemed to make him less angry.
"Is there anything you want to talk about?"


"Alright. Do you want to color?" She asked politely.
He nodded in response. She smiled, taking out his own notebook and pencil bag, handing it to him.
"Draw what your feeling, OK? I wanna see what your seeing right now."

He took the little supplies, and went to the opposite side of the room.
Scaratar turned back around, turning her notebook over and flipping to a page near the back. Scaratar would sometimes document things about him and Galvana's relationship. They struggled very much. Even when all the Celestials went up to Galvana, she refused to acknowledge her faults.
"Im a first time mother!" "I don't have experience, and this is stressful for me!" "He's too much of a handful." "He's a bastard's son. No doubt about it." She would say to excuse her behavior. Only once did she ever take their advice, and that was on disciplining his bad behaviors.
She listened to him scratch away at his notebook with fine-tip black pencils and dull color tools while she flipped to the back pages of her notebook and began writing.
"Not listening : VII"


The night came rather quickly that day. Maybe they were so immersed in what they were doing, they had lost track of the day. Wubbox had fallen to sleep, and Galvana came back to collect him. Once the door closed behind her, she stood up from her chair to pick up the notebook and pencils. She put the pencils back in the bag, and decided she would have a little look at what he had drawn.
The first page had a crudely drawn image of himself, some gibberish surrounding him in text bubbles, and his expression looking sad, and covering his head. Some red marks covered hid hands, core, eyes, and some floating around him. On the next page, it was many drawings of random shapes—named and colored with their own personalities. And, the last page was stick figured in random poses, a few having monsters over the stick figures as he tried to draw them. They were good drawings, but the first one was the only one that seemed off.
Scaratar sighed, closing the notebook up and putting it back in the slot of the desk.

Word count : 727

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