[Chapter 18]

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The wublins sat around in a circle near the middle of the island, playing many different games they were introduced to from books on plant island.

They had more fun then they had before, and they were truely exited for any game. Since coming back to their island, the rest of the wublins Wubbox was working on had completed quickly, but now he sat in his office doing something he refused to say what, but still coming out occasionally for outside things, like his actual job, to see his kids, or just sit outside.

This time, they were playing a game of heads-up-seven-up, but different. Once each monster was touched, the taggers went back into the circle, so they won't know who was the tagger, so when a tagger was found, they sat out, and another player did not become the tagger. It went around until all taggers were called out, and it would start again.

Thwok did not play, so he was the one choosing that taggers–host you could say. This time, Dermit, Blipsqueak, Bona, Whajje, Brump, and Scargo.

Tympa raised his hand. "Bona?" He guessed.

"Nope!" Bona replied with a chuckle.

"I can't tell if its Bona or Gheegur with you two, you have similar claws!" Tympa told him witha frustrated tone.

"Thats the trick~"

Screemu then spoke. "Brump?"

"Dang it.." He sighed defeatedly.

Astropod pointed with it's antlers to Petite.

"Gosh darn!!" Petite growled.

Dwumrhol spoke. "Scargo?"

"Nope!" Scargo giggled back.

Pixolotl pointed. "Dermit."

"It was the nails, wasn't it?" He said sadly.


Zuuker tilted his head. "Blipsqueak?"

"Nope! I strategically planned the perfect angle and feel to know how to make my think the way it was another."


"Pardon, nevermind."

Before they could start a new round, they heard the door to Wubbox's building open, and seeing his familiar golden-yellow color.
"Dad, are you gonna join our game?"

"Maybe in a bit, but, remember how i said i was busy?"
The group looked to him questioningly, quietly asking questions amongst themselves. What could he be talking about? Why was he going to show them some boring work they don't need to see?
"Does anyone want to guess?"

"Rare w-wublins." Blipsqueak raised their hand up to answer, glitching slightly at the "w" word.

"I'm surprised." He chuckled.
As if on command, one strange monster peaked their little head from the side of the door. Zynth gasped, recongnizing the bug as one similar to him. Then, it stepped out, and another did as well, five coming out in total.

Everyone seemed exited, the other wublins stepping over and starting conversations with them.
"Before i set you loose, let me introduce them first." Wubbox said over the group. The wublins stepped back and waited for him to speak again. "Lets start with Shelly, the rare brump. Then Robin, the rare poewk. Rooloo(row-low), the rare thwok. Mantis, the rare zynth. And Anemone the rare dwumrohl." He pointed to each one as he spoke.

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