[Chapter 8]

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The electric island sparked with blue energy, dark machine horns peaking out, vines climbing through, and bright lights like those at stages, casting brilliant light onto the blue island—aching and calling for monsters to call it's own.

Galvana had given it to him as a gift, and as per his wishes, the portal to the island had a code name, but it was not to be updated in books, so only he could know the code for now.

He was found as an abandoned plot of land, and no monster stepped on it because of it's dark and uneasy aura. Wubbox had never felt the aura others had, as instead, he was given a new spark of inspiration. His imaginary friend had gotten an upgraded, and now resembled the island he had taken.

He had a dark, rocky blue color with darker spirals like Wubbox, four eyes which were connected to a rack with four light bulbs, four arms tipped with bulbs, a blue-cyan core, red wires and vines alone his back, some vines contorting into a tail-like shape, and a rough, robotic voice that seemed lifeless. It was the only source of comfort he had in the quiet, dark island.

But now, he had invited Rare to the island. Maybe, they would be able to both add ideas onto the island! Wubbox wanted to get back in talking terms with Rare after he left to live here, and this could be the chance!
He heard the portal zap with energy.

Quickly, he then opened the door and peaked out, and saw Rare.
"Rare, there you are! I didn't think you were gonna make it!"

"Yea." Rare sighed.

"..Well, take a look at the island! It's amazing, isn't it?" He smiled, gliding his hand with him while looking across the island.

"Yeah, i know." Rare couldn't help but notice how tired and loose Wubbox seemed, stumbling slight as he moved, and his voice slightly hoarse. He tried to shrug it off, because they hadn't spoken in a while. "So, what do you want?"

"Oh, right! So, i told you how I'm trying to make my own monsters, right? Well, i was able to sculpt these first few monsters with bubblerite, and their "skeleton" is made with metal wiring. And, you know how bubblerite had colors on other islands? It doesn't here, and thats either because theres a large amount of it in one place, or it has nothing to eat, which is what i think happened. You should see them, they're really amazing and astronomical! This could be revolutionary!" Wubbox rambled as they traveled through the building, slowly moving into a room farther off.

"Very interesting." Rare said sarcastically.

"Don't be a...Brump!" Wubbox then laughed loudly. "Tha-thats the name of one of the monsters!"

"I assumed."

"I'm being unprofessional, sorry. Just..this makes me so giddy, like a tiny child, i'm sorry. Lets not waste any more time, and let me show you how they are. Wublin has been great help with ideas."

"..Wublin?" Rare asked.

"Yes, the imaginary friend i've had! Not only did i name him after this species of monster, he's taken a new shape, and now he can fit in perfectly with the others! Just take a look."

Wubbox let Rare into his workroom. Inside it was dimly lit, as a small desk light was the only thing illuminating the room.

Rare looked around the room, and when his vision adjusted to the darkness, he saw four statues, and a fifth, larger one which looks like a blob mess. He couldn't bring his eyes away from the horrifying creatures in front of him. None of them were taller than him but the blob, and one with an unnaturally long tongue.

They each seemed similar to an preexisting momster, but twisted, and contorted to a new image. The smallest being a bug with long legs, second smallest was like a fwog with holes, and the third having single clawed legs with feathers and a mask.

Even though the island already had a creepy and threatening feeling, these monsters have something worse, something.. terror. The sick and twisted amalgamations made him feel something he hadn't before. With every monster he had seen, these were the worst to ever be given life.

"Look at them! Just beautiful, aren't they? And this one," He walked over and pointed to the fwog, "is the first and eldest son! He is named Brump. Like the joke!"

"Wubbox, i knew you had ideas like this, but these monsters—if brought into existance—could mean death to you and them. Your letting sick creatures that shouldn't be given life the ability to exist. They don't deserve—no, they can't exist." Rare hissed.

"How dare you! I wanted someone to talk to, be with, experience, yet you want to tear me down, just so you can keep me in a place under your control! Let them exist, just see how beautiful life can be! Just give them a chance!" Wubbox pleaded with him.

"Im not associating with someone who forces life to live. If you know whats good for you, you'll leave these projects to waste."
Rare quickly dashed away as Wubbox moved quickly to him. Rare would not look back. Had the one monster he cared about turned wicked with the present of land? These creatures would bring pain to him and others. How could he not see what he was doing as wrong? Rare ran out and to the portal, quickly saying the word to escape. The island now sparked and hissed, letting him know he was never to be welcomed back.

He would never go back. Never. As long as he lived, he would never such as lay his eyes on this place, or it's inhabitants. Hopefully Wubbox would finally see his fault, and go back to plant island and reconcile with him.
The portal grew in light, and he quickly stepped through. Waiting for the moment to return to plant island, and inform someone about what was happening. Someone had to know. He didn't know who just yet, but it had to be someone.

•Words : 1030•

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