Chapter 2 - A Grimm Death

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You stood outside of the exam room while the doctor looked over your brother. You watched on, worried, holding your arms against your stomach with anxiety. You breathed out a shaky breath. The only time you had ever seen someone change to a creature was Rosalee. She was nowhere near as scary as this person had been.

"Ms. Burkhardt?" a familiar voice behind you said softly as you felt a hand touch your arm.

You turned to find the Captain standing beside you, a concerned look on his face. He nodded towards your brother.

"Is he ok?"

You nodded yes in response. Still too shaken to talk. He gently pulled on your arm, gesturing for you to sit down. He sat next to you.

"Are you ok?"

You shook your head no. He leaned closer to you.

"(Y/N)," he said softly, "What happened, can you tell me what you saw?"

You stared at the ground, not looking at him as you responded. "It all happened so fast. Nick and I were talking. A woman, with blonde hair and wearing a white lab coat walked in. She had a syringe in her hand. Before she could put it in the iv, Nick grabbed her. I think she pricked him with whatever it was. He collapsed on the floor and..." your sentence drifted off, not wanting to tell him what you saw. He wouldn't understand, would think you were crazy.

Sean cleared his throat, "We're going to put guards on your aunt's room. No one unauthorized will be able to enter." Sean reached over and squeezed your hand, turning your attention towards him. "We'll find out who did this," he said with a reassuring smile. His attention was quickly pulled away from you when he saw the marking on your right wrist. He turned your arm over so he could take a better look at it. "What's this?" he asked, barely above a whisper.

You looked down and chuckled, wiping the tears from your eyes. "Just a weird birthmark. I've had it since the day I was born. I remember my mom trying to scrub it off of me, like it was some kind of curse or something. But it's always there. Never has faded away," you said as you glanced down at it.

Before Sean could respond, he noticed Nick walking towards you both. You stood up as he neared and Nick pulled you into a hug.

"You two should go home, get some rest. I'll have Wu pull the security tapes and we'll go from there," Sean said as Nick nodded in agreement. Sean glanced at you briefly before walking back over to the guards outside your aunt's room, rubbing his left wrist.


The next morning, you and Nick made your way back to the hospital. Your aunt had woken from her coma but was still very weak. You both pulled up chairs next to the bed. She opened her eyes and smiled as she saw you.

"(Y/N)," she said softly, her voice raspy.

You smiled at her, "Hi, Aunt Marie."

She reached out and took your hand, "There's something I need to tell you."

You shook your head, "Nick already told me."

"You've seen them?" she asked.

You nodded your head, "Thought I was going crazy."

"You two need to stick together. You are stronger and more protected when there is more than one Grimm. Especially with your gifts."

Nick furrowed his brows, "Gifts?"

"Why do you think you became a cop?" she asked. She then turned to you, "Why do you think you know so much about healing?"

You and Nick looked at each other, confused as to what your aunt was saying.

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