Chapter 61 - A Grimm Ending

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It was the day of the coming-of-age celebration. Wesen from all over the world were coming to honor their princess. You and everyone made the trek from the castle to the Black Forest where the celebration would be held. Elizabeth had met with the entirety of the guard, explaining to them the situation and to only use the daggers that were created on the coven of Hexenbiests. It still wasn't clear how many there would be, but everyone was on edge as you began making the hike into the forest. The Wesen who came for the celebration lined the pathway, all wearing the traditional robes that signified what Wessen house they represented. Eve and Meisner were tense as they led you through, their eyes constantly sweeping the crowd. You eventually made it into the clearing where a large wooden canopied dais had been constructed with ivy and flowers decorating the structure.

Elizabeth and Adalind made their way up to the altar that sat in the middle. A large old spell book sat with a cauldron and candles. Your guard dispersed throughout the crowd, most of them blending in unnoticed so they could keep an eye out for the coven. You and Sean stood on either side of Marie as Nick, Monroe, Rosalee, and the kids all stood behind you. Meisner and Eve were behind them as a barrier between the gathered Wesen. Elizabeth begins the ceremony, reciting the ancient spell as Adalind begins lighting the candles and working with the cauldron. You glanced over at Marie, smiling softly at how beautiful your daughter looked. Her long hair hung down her back in curls, and she had a flower wreath of baby's breath on her head. She had on the customary white gown for the coming-of-age ceremony. You caught Sean's eyes as he glanced over, a small mile crossing his face as your eyes met.

Elizabeth signaled for Marie to make her way forward. You and Sean close the gap between you as you reach over for his hand. Marie begins reciting the words instructed by Adalind when a loud screech is heard from behind you. You and Sean quickly turn around and find that some of the Wesen are cowering as a group of hooded figures in dark blue make their way forward. Sean tenses as he moves in front of you. You notice Monroe does the same to Rosalee as Nick makes his way up towards Adalind and Marie, standing in front of them to protect them. Henry grabs Charlie and pulls him into his side as Freddie and Alexander stand on either side of them, Emily close behind them.

"State your business," Meisner's voice carries across the commotion, drawing the attention towards him.

"We're here to pay our respects to the royal family and our future queen," one of the cloaked figures says.

Eve woges, "You can pay your respects like the rest. On your knees."

You begin glancing around the area, trying to count out how many people you see with the same-colored cloaks on, as the person Eve and Meisner are addressing laughs at Eve's comment. Seventeen. That's how many you are able to count. You begin tapping on Sean's hand the number. At first, his eyes glance down towards you with an eyebrow raised, questioning what you are doing, but then he notices your eyes shifting around, and he realizes what you are telling him. Unbeknownst to you, Nick is doing the exact same thing, as is Rosalee. The hooded figure directly in front of you removed the hood to reveal a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair. Adalind gasps from behind you, and you feel Sean tense next to you.

"Mother?" Adalind says in disbelief.

"Catherine," Sean says with a growl at the same time.

You instantly tense at the realization of who is standing in front of you.

"I thought you said she was dead," you heard Nick say to Adalind.

"Not quite," replied Catherine with a smirk. "I guess your mother wasn't a very good Grimm."

Sean held your arm tight to keep you from lunging towards her. "She may not have finished the job, but I sure as hell will."

"You'd kill one of us in front of all of your Wesen followers? What kind of leader does that make you?" She says with a sneer.

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