Chapter 3 - A Grimm Beginning

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You had zero desire to get up out of bed. It had been a few weeks since your aunt's funeral. It had just been you, Nick, and Juliette. Realizing just how dangerous this life was, you and Nick knew you had to keep the trailer a secret, so you moved it to a location only the two of you knew about. You were struggling with accepting what you and Nick were. You spent most of your time either studying books in the trailer or moping about the house. You also had to tell Rosalee the news that you were closing the shop for good and moving permanently to Portland. As much as you begged her to come with, she had wounds from her time in Portland that she wasn't ready to face yet. As you laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, you could hear loud whispering in the hallway.

"Nick, I'm worried about her," Juliette whispered, yelled.

"What do you want me to do, Juliette? She needs time to grieve."

"I don't know, but she needs to get out of the house. She's been cooped up too long."

You rolled over and pulled the covers over your head. Once you heard them both leave for work, you crawled out of bed. You made your way down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen, the smell of coffee still lingering in the air. As you groggily made your way to the toaster, you heard the rustling of a newspaper behind you.

"Nice pajamas," a voice said, causing you to jump and shriek in surprise.

Sitting at the table was Monroe. "What the hell are you doing here?" You asked with a hand over your racing heart.

He chuckled, "Nick called, said you needed to get out of the house. I thought we could go for a walk, get some fresh air."

You shrugged, "That does sound kind of nice. I'll go change real quick."

"I don't know," Monroe said as he leaned back in his chair. "I kind of like the Snoopy pajamas."

You smirked as you threw an apple at him and ran up the stairs. Once you were dressed, you and Monroe headed for the local hiking trail through the woods. It was a typical cloudy day in Portland, a lite mist drizzling down. You breathed in the smell of the wet woods, listening to the birds chirping in the trees.

"I'm sorry about your aunt," Monroe said, breaking the silence.

You looked over to Monroe and smiled, "Thank you, I appreciate that. I know she wasn't exactly your favorite person."

Monroe raised an eyebrow, "What makes you say that?"

"I uh.. read that she killed your grandfather." You looked over to Monroe sheepishly. "Kind of a shitty thing to do."

Monroe shrugged as he kicked a rock, "Eh, he kind of had it coming, but yeah."

You both kept walking until you came upon a bench on the side of the trail. You sat down as Monroe sat down next to you.

"How's Nick?" you asked.

Monroe looked over at you, confused. "Um, good, I think. You're staying at their house, right?"

You sighed, "Yeah, but I haven't really been out of my room much. It's been hard processing all this stuff. Nick just seemed to jump in headfirst."

Monroe scoffed, "Tell me about it. I swear all his last few cases have involved Wesen."

Your head snapped over, "Anything serious?"

"Well, there were Mellifers that were killing Hexenbiests that were all lawyers, typical. And then there was this Ziegovolk who was preying on young women. Dude was so potent, even I had hearts in my eyes. The case he just finished up had to do with probably the most talented violinist I have ever heard. Kid was a Reinigen, like a rat type creature. Kids at his school framed his dad for a murder."

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