Chapter 11 - A Grimm Agreement

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⚠️ Smut Warning


After the unexpected confrontation with Nick, you were a bit shaken up. Monroe had offered to drive you home after the incident, but upon noticing how well he and Rosalee were hitting it off, you declined. Instead, you found yourself at Sean's apartment in tears.

It took him a while to get you to calm down before he could fully understand what you were telling him. You noticed his jaw tense slightly. He knew Nick would probably get upset upon finding out, but he never imagined this would happen. Sean picked you up and carried you into his bathroom, setting you down on the counter.

You watched as he turned on the faucet to the bathtub. He then grabbed a dark bottle from a cabinet and poured it in the water. You were suddenly overwhelmed with the scent of rose and lavender. He then came over to where you were sitting, gently placing a hand behind your neck and pulling you towards him, kissing your forehead.

"Go ahead and get in. I'll be right back," he said against your hair.

You undressed and slowly lowered yourself into the bubble bath. Almost instantly, you felt yourself relax. You pulled your knees up to your chest and hugged them close. Hearing the bathroom door shut behind you, you glanced back to see Sean carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. He sat them on a table next to the tub. He then undressed and slipped into the tub behind you.

You sighed in contemptment as he grabbed a sponge and began rubbing your back. You closed your eyes as his strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you back into his chest. He kissed your temple as you nuzzled into his neck.

"Feel better?" he asked.

You hummed in response. You felt him smile against your skin as he kissed the top of your shoulder.

"What did you pour in the bath? I've never felt this relaxed before."

"My mother's own concoction. It's meant to help relieve anxiety and stress," he said as his hand began making its way down your body, causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. "Is it working?" he whispered into your ear as his hand cupped your core and his thumb slowly began rubbing circles over your clit.

You moaned in response as you felt his fingers enter inside you. You opened your legs wider for him as he continued pumping his fingers, going deeper as you held on to his arm. His other hand squeezed at your breasts.

"Sean," you moaned out as your left hand reached behind you and held onto his neck.

"Shh, sweetheart. I've got you. Let me take care of you," he whispered against your skin as he began kissing your neck.

Your moans echoed out into the bathroom as the sound of the water sloshed with Sean's movements. Feeling your orgasm coming, you managed to gather your words.

"Stop. I need you inside me," you said breathlessly.

As Sean pulled his hand away, you quickly turned around and straddled him. You reached between the two of you and grasped onto his hard cock, pumping him as he groaned. He placed his hands on your waist and lifted you up slightly so he was aligned with your entrance, slowly sheathing himself inside you.

You both moaned out as he bottomed out inside you. You were both motionless for a minute, breathing heavily and holding onto each other as you took a moment to adjust to his size. Slowly you started rocking your hips. You leaned your head back as he started kissing down your neck, making his way to your chest. His tongue played with one of your nipples as you grabbed onto his hair, screaming out as he thrusted up deeper inside of you.

Water began splashing out of the tub as your movements became more erratic. Your moans became louder as he thrusted into your core harder. As you clawed at his back and shoulders, you felt him woge against your chest as he continued to suck and play with your nipples. You could feel your Grimm come out as your orgasm hit, yelling out in ecstasy. Sean soon followed, growling out as you felt him twitch inside of you.

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