Chapter 31 - An Oath to a Grimm

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You huffed as you plopped on the bed, staring at yourself in the full-length mirror. You felt huge and nothing fit. You, Sean, Nick, and Rosalee had a scheduled meeting with one of the members of the Wesen Council to discuss the prophecy and determine if the Wesen Council, along with the Wesen community would swear fealty to you and Sean. Something that completely blew your mind. There was a knock on the door. Looking over, you saw Sean walk into your shared bedroom.

“You okay?” he asked as he sat down next to you on the bed.

You looked at yourself in the mirror again. “Oh, just peachy,” you said sarcastically. “None of my clothes fit, I feel huge, my feet are swollen, and apparently people think I’m destined to be the Queen of the Wesen.”

Sean took your hand in his, “We don’t have to do this. Nothing says we have to accept this fate.”

“But did you see Bud and the others? They looked so hopeful. Their whole life and their families’ lives have been living in fear of what the royals, Grimms, hell even just everyday people would do to them. They deserve to live in peace and have a sense of belonging and protection.”

“That’s what the Wesen Council is for,” Sean replied.

You pursed your lips, “Rosalee has told me some of the tactics of the Wesen Council. They’ve killed children because they possessed a source of power they didn’t understand. What happens if our child is like that? I mean, it’s already protecting me, and it hasn’t even been born yet. What’s to stop them from taking our child away from us?”

“I think you just made our decision for us,” Sean said as he kissed your temple. “Rosalee and Nick should be here soon.”

You nodded in response. Before Sean could stand up, you grabbed his arm. “Can you help me put my shoes on? I can’t bend over.”

Sean laughed as he kneeled on the floor, placing your shoes on your feet. “Anything for my queen,” he said as he leaned over and kissed you.


You reached the neutral location for meeting the Wesen Council. Bud and the other Eisbiber’s agreed to let the meeting take place at their lodge. Sean helped you out of the car, taking your arm in his as you slowly and carefully walked towards the main area of the lodge. Walking was becoming even more difficult for you. Rosalee suspected it wouldn’t be too long till the baby arrived, even more reason to make sure everything was in place now. Rosalee led your group as Nick and Bud followed. As you made your way in, you spotted a man in a suit with dark brown hair. Upon hearing your group arrive, he turned towards you.

“Ms. Calvert?” he said towards Rosalee in a British accent. She nodded in response. “Your family has been very helpful with the Wesen Council. We were so pleased when you reached out towards us.”

You raised an eyebrow, “You’re the council?”

The man smirked, “A member, yes. I am here to represent the Wesen Council. Alexander, at your service, your highness.” He bowed his head in respect to Sean.

“Do you understand why this meeting was called?” asked Sean.

Alexander nodded, “Yes. The Wesen community is all abuzz about you two. The apparent Zauberbiest Prince and his Grimm Healer mate. You’ll have to forgive us if we are a bit leery.”

“Yes, well, we are a bit leery dealing with the council, but here we are,” Nick replied.

Alexander squinted his eyes at Nick, pointing at him. “You’re the Grimm.”

Nick shook his head, “One of them.”

Alexander then looked at you. “We need verification that what we have heard is true.”

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