Chapter 40 - Another Grimm Wedding

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Sean grunted as he slipped his arm through a sleeve of his shirt. You sat down your bag and walked over to him.

"You okay?" you ask as you helped him finish getting his shirt on.

"Yeah," he says as he leans his forehead against yours, "just sore."

You hum in response as you button his shirt up. He cups his hands around your face, lifting it up so you are looking at him. He gives you a small smile as he leans down and kisses you. You wrap your arms around his neck as his make their way to your waist, pulling you closer. A knock at the door causes you booth to pull apart, looking over to see who interrupted you.

"I apologize for the intrusion," Meisner says as he diverts his eyes.

You smirk as Sean wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "I take it you are our ride?" Sean asks.

"Ja," Meisner says. "Would you like for me to take your bag?" You hand it over to him. He nods and then heads back to the door. "I have the car out front when you are ready." Meisner then walks out and down the hall.

You turn back towards Sean, "Ready to go home?"

He kisses your head, "More than ready."

As you and Sean made your way out to the front of the hospital, Sean raised an eyebrow as he saw Meisner and another guard dressed in black standing in front of a black SUV with blacked out windows.

"That's new," Sean said as you led him over.

"We're not taking any chances. From now on, you will have armed guards with you both and with Marie. Hank and Nick were able to obtain an armored SUV for travel," Meisner replied as he opened the door for you both.

As Meisner drove you back to your home, you and Sean sat in silence. You looked over and noticed Sean was staring out the window, deep in thought. You reached over for his hand, your fingers interlocking with his. As much as you wanted to ask him what was on his mind, you were pulled away when the car drove through your gate and up to your house. You and Sean got out and made your way up the porch of your home. Before you could open the door, Sean pulled you back.

You turned towards him, reaching your hand up to cup his face, "Hey, it's okay. Meisner and his men have ensured the house is safe. No one is getting in."

"It's not that," Sean said as he gripped your wrist, kissing the palm of your hand.

You pulled him towards the door, "Come on. Let's get inside, and then we can talk."

As soon as you opened the door and walked in, you and Sean were startled when a loud "Surprise!" rang out. You both stood in shock to see Nick, Adalind, Hank, Rosalee, Monroe, Trubel, Bud, and Elizabeth standing in the entryway. Elizabeth walked up to you both, Marie in her arms.

"Surprised?" she asked as she kissed Sean on his cheek and then turned and did the same to you.

"Yeah," you said hesitantly, "we weren't exactly expecting this type of homecoming."

Elizabeth smiled. "Well, I wanted to meet my granddaughter," she said as she bounced Marie in her arms, Marie babbling as she pulled at Elizabeth's earrings. "And while I know you still need your rest, being around those who love you, your family, will further help your healing." Sean nodded in response. Elizabeth smiled as she handed Marie over, "Besides, I think someone missed her daddy."

Sean smiled as he took Marie in his arms, "Hello, princess." You watched as Marie buried her head in the crook of Sean's neck, her hand reaching up and pulling on his hair at the nape of his neck.

"Your mother was right; she did miss her daddy," you said with a smile.

The afternoon was filled with laughter and food. You and Sean stayed by each other's sides throughout the get-together, never leaving each other's eyesight. You both relished in the normality of having your family surrounding you, enjoying it as much as you could before things became dark once again when you were able to contact your mother.

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