Chapter 58 - A New Grimm Era

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Once the excitement of finding out what you and Sean were having died down, you both found yourselves headed towards a meeting room to talk with your court and security to determine what the next steps were now that Black Claw had been dealt with. Elizabeth volunteered to take Marie and Kelly so the rest of you could meet in peace. You were shocked when you walked into the room to find a familiar face.

"Trubel?" you said in shock.

"(Y/N)!" she exclaimed as she ran over and hugged you.

"When did you get back?" you asked as you pulled away.

"Like fifteen minutes ago. Imagine my shock when Meisner told me what happened. Oh, and congratulations. I heard it's a boy!"

"Not just a boy but apparently another Sean." Trubel furrowed her brows at your comment.

"We're gonna have another Zauberbiest in the family," Nick said as he pulled out a chair for Adalind.

Trubel raised an eyebrow, "You guys are going to have your hands full."

You huff a laugh as you sit down, "You're telling me."

A few minutes later, everyone comes in and gets settled around the large conference table in the room. You and Sean are seated at the head with Nick, Adalind, Hank, Wu, and Trubel to the left. Directly across from you is Meisner. And to the right is Monroe, Rosalee, an empty seat representing Elizabeth, Bud, and another empty seat representing Eve.

"I have to say," Bud says in an anxious voice, "I'm really honored that you have included me."

You look towards Bud, giving him a calm smile. He noticeably relaxes. "Bud, you have been instrumental in helping us and essentially have been a liaison between us and the Wesen. Not to mention, the Eisbiber's have been truly loyal and helpful with allowing us to use their lodge."

"Well, we're happy to help in any way we can!"

"Thank you," you reply. "And any damage that was done to the lodge will be fixed. You and the others won't have to worry about that."

"Which brings us to the matter at hand," Sean replies. You let out a shaky breath as you know what Sean is about to bring up. It's something that the two of you had discussed long before Boneparte and Black Claw came into the picture. "Trubel has been working closely with Alexander and the other Wesen. With Boneparte dead, Black Claw is officially dismantled. Alexander has informed me that they have been working closely with the Wesen around Austria and basically all of Europe who wish to vow fealty to us."

"So, your reign will go beyond Portland then?" asked Monroe.

Sean nods, "Yes."

"So... what exactly does that mean?" asks Nick.

"You're going back to Vienna, aren't you?" asks Adalind.

Sean takes your hand in his. "We have to. This is all becoming much bigger than just helping the Wesen in Portland. Word is spreading and more and more Wesen are wanting our protection."

"How is this going to work?" asks Monroe.

"You'll all have to decide if you want to stay in Portland or follow us to Vienna. Those who stay here, will be an extension of us. Enforcing our rule and any laws that we pass in regard to the Wesen community," Sean replies.

Hank sighs as he leans back in his chair. "That's a lot to think about."

"How soon do you need an answer?" asks Rosalee.

"By the end of the week," you reply.

Monroe's eyebrows raise, "That's only three days!"

You rub your belly, "In order to ensure our hold on our thrones, the baby has to be born in the palace. We don't have a lot of time before I won't be able to travel anymore. And this was actually what we had planned on discussing with you all when you were going to visit us."

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