Chapter 23 - The Grimm's Bond

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⚠️ Smut Warning! And it's steamy!


You groaned as you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. Walking over to the bathroom sink, you rinsed your mouth out with mouthwash. You cringed as you saw yourself in the mirror, you looked horrible. You splashed some water on your face and took a deep breath as you left the bathroom. You walked into the kitchen, the smell of coffee making you want to turn and run back into the bathroom. Sean was standing in the kitchen, on the phone. Seeing you walk in, he hung up.

"Coffee?" he asked.

You shook your head, pursing your lips and closing your eyes, trying to hold back the wave of nausea that was coming. Sean furrowed his brows.

"Are you ok?" he asked as he held a hand up to your forehead. "You don't have a fever."

"I think it's food poisoning. I don't think that shrimp agreed with me. Should have gotten the steak like you recommended," you said with a lite laugh.

Sean poured you a glass of water and handed it to you. You sipped it as you watched him clean up the kitchen. You could tell his mind was preoccupied.

"Everything ok?" you asked, breaking the silence.

Sean sighed as he looked down, his hands bracing himself on the counter. "That was my informant on the phone."

You raised an eyebrow. You could tell Sean was hesitant to tell you what he found out.

"I know where Adalind is."

You nearly dropped your glass of water, your hand shaking. "Where is she?"

"Apparently, she has weaseled her way in with my brother Eric."

You nearly choked when he said that. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Let's look on the bright side, she isn't in the states. But this further confirms that she has been acting on behalf of the family."

"I thought with her not being a Hexenbiest anymore meant that the family wouldn't see her as an asset?"

Sean scoffed, "Unfortunately, she has other assets that my brother would find valuable."

You scrunched your nose, "Okay, ew."

Sean smirked at your reaction. He walked over and took your hands.

"Let's not worry about that right now. In a couple of weeks, we will be getting married, and that will further solidify our bond and give the family less ammunition against us."

"How so?" you asked.

"Well," Sean said as his thumb rubbed over your engagement ring, "If they were to try and do anything to you, not only would they be breaking Wesen law in regard to mates but when you marry me, you'll be considered a princess."

You felt your stomach flip, "Are you serious?"

Sean chuckled, "You're marrying a prince sweetheart. That will make you a princess."

"Your family is going to freak out when they find out that not only did you get married but married to a Grimm."

Sean cupped your face with his hands, "Sweetheart, they know that I'm mated to a Grimm. It's when they find out that you're a Grimm Healer that all hell will break loose."

You heard your phone go off in the bedroom, making your way to it, you saw Rosalee's name pop up.

"Rosalee? Everything ok?"

"(Y/N), I need you and Sean to get to the shop ASAP!"

You looked back at Sean who gave you a worried look. "Um, ok. Should we be worried?"

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