Chapter 42 - A Grimm Reckoning

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Your mother was gone. As soon as Nick got word, he pushed himself into his work. You, on the other hand, needed time. Time to process what exactly happened. You spent a few weeks mostly to yourself. Spending time with Marie and Sean only, everyone else giving you the space you needed to properly heal. While Sean and Meisner refused to tell you what they knew, you soon learned that a box had been delivered to your home. And in that box was something that both Meisner and Sean would never be able to unsee. No one knew exactly what happened, either. Was it the royals? A reaper? Or someone else? And on top of the chaos you were experiencing with the sudden death of your mother, Monroe and Rosalee were still dealing with harassment by the Wesenrein.

Sean had officially stepped down as captain, and Nick took over. Before everything took place, Nick brought Wu and Hank over to your home where you, Nick, Hank, and Sean told him everything. All the times he thought he was going crazy, all the strange things he had been seeing, Wesen were real and now it was his and Hank’s job to help Nick bring in the Wesen that broke human law. Wu took the information seriously and dived in headfirst in trying to learn anything and everything. It was as if everything clicked into place for him. You made Nick promise to focus on the comings and goings of Portland and let you and Sean take care of figuring out what happened to your mother and finding and judging those who were harassing Monroe and Rosalee.

Somehow, Sean had convinced his mother to stay permanently with you both to help with Marie. She was growing and exhibiting signs that she may actually have some Hexenbiest in her. At first you all thought it was just your mind playing tricks on you when you would find an object in a strange place, but then one day you walked by her room where she should have been asleep, only to find her stuffed animals floating around her room. Considering she had just turned one, Elizabeth wasn’t overly shocked that she was exhibiting abilities, but still, you and Sean had wondered what a child of a royal Zauberbiest and Grimm Healer would be like.

You kept yourself busy with Wesen affairs as Sean and Meisner worked on getting intel of what exactly happened to your mother. Things, for the most part, had been quiet until one day you got a frantic call from Rosalee. The Wesenrein had hung a dead fox at the back door of the Spice Shop, calling her and telling her that her blood would be next. You and Sean quickly arrived, trying to get Monroe to calm down as he was ready for blood. They refused to report it to the police, but you made sure Nick was aware of what happened. Still not sure who the culprits were, you assigned Trubel and Bud to see if they could figure out who they were.

With everyone following their respective assignments, you found yourself lying in bed one morning, staring up at the ceiling. Sean had gotten up early to go over some paperwork that Alexander had sent to him. He had been chosen as the go-between of what remained of the Wesen Council and you and Sean. You glanced over at the clock to see that it was still early. Marie would still be asleep. Trubel was probably in the back of the compound training with the other guards. Elizabeth was most likely locked away in her room, doing who knows what kind of magic. Monroe and Rosalee would most likely still be in bed, sleeping in since it was the day before they would leave to finally go on their honeymoon. Huffing a breath, you furrow your brows as you throw back the comforter on your bed.

You have had enough. Enough of everyone coddling you, enough of grieving, and enough of nothing coming to fruition when it came to dealing with Viktor and the Wesenrein. You were a Grimm. And not just any Grimm, but a Grimm Healer. What was the saying again? Oh yeah, don’t piss off the healer. Well, you were pissed now. It was time to take matters into your own hands. You quickly got dressed. Choosing an outfit that was mostly black and gave an air of authority. Brushing your teeth, doing your makeup and hair, you looked in the mirror to make sure you looked the way you felt, an angry Grimm who was ready to do the dirty work no one else seemed to be able to accomplish. You walked through your house and made your way down to where you knew Sean was meeting with the team Meisner had put together. Opening the doors, everyone’s head snapped up from where they were congregated around the conference table, looks of shock, and raised eyebrows as they watched you walk in. You noticed Sean and Meisner eye each other, clearly noticing the change in temperament in you as some of the other men looked almost timid at your presence. Laid out on the table appeared to be a blueprint. You made your way around the table as you looked at it.

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