Chapter 14 - A Grimm Evening

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"You ok?" Sean asked as he sat down a wine glass on the table.

You looked up quickly, nearly knocking a fork off the table. "I'm fine, why?" You asked as you sat down the napkin you had been folding.

Sean gestured to the napkin, "I've watched you fold that same napkin five times," he said with a smirk.

You sighed as you sat down in one of the dining chairs. "I'm just nervous. Nick is just now starting to get used to the fact that we are together, and I'm worried how he will react when I tell him we are engaged."

Sean walked over and took your hand, his thumb rubbing over your engagement ring. "Why are you worried?"

You looked up at him, "Nick proposed to Juliette, and she declined."

Sean furrowed his brows as he sat down next to you, "She declined?"

You nodded, "Said she felt like he was hiding something from her and didn't want to commit until he told her the truth."

Sean raised his eyebrows, "Well, she's not wrong."

You smirked, "That's what I said."

There was a knock at the door. Sean leaned over and kissed you on the forehead, "Go ahead and get the door. I'll make sure dinner is ready."

You opened the door to find Rosalee, Monroe, and Nick on the other side. After you hugged and greeted all of them, you led them further into Sean's apartment.

Monroe whistled, "Look at this view! It's insane!"

You laughed as Sean walked in with drinks for everyone as you all sat down in the living room.

"So," Nick said as he sat down his drink, clearly a bit uncomfortable about being in his boss's home, "why did you ask the three of us to be here?"

You glanced over at Sean as you took a deep breath and turned to the others. "Well, we have some exciting news." You glanced down at your hand, playing with your ring. You heard Rosalee gasp as she noticed. "Sean proposed, and I have accepted."

Rosalee and Monroe jumped up in excitement, instantly pulling you into a hug. Nick sat in shock with his mouth slightly open. Rosalee pulled back from the hug.

"I mean, we knew it was going to happen eventually, but I am so happy for you," she said with a smile.

You looked over at your brother, "Nick?"

He stood up and walked over to you, hugging you tightly. "I'm really happy for you," he said into your hair. He turned to Sean, "And if you hurt my sister, I will chop your head off."

Your eyes grew wide as Monroe smirked. Sean smiled as he extended his hand, shaking Nick's.

"I would expect nothing else."

Monroe grabbed his glass, "I think we should have a toast! To (Y/N) and Sean, may you have a long and happy life together."

You all clinked glasses and sipped at your drinks. Sean pulled you closer to his side as he kissed the top of your head. After setting her glass down, Rosalee spoke up.

"Now that we have been told the good news, what's the bad news?"

You laughed nervously, "What makes you think there is bad news?"

"You invited us when Juliette was out of town," your brother said. "What's going on?"

Everyone sat back down, and Sean leaned forward on his knees. "The past few months have been quite the whirlwind for all of us. Nick and (Y/N) finding out they are Grimms, (Y/N) and I finding out that we are mated together, the Reaper attacks, but that is just the tip of the iceberg of what is to come. I felt that we all needed to make sure we were on the same page with everything."

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