Chapter 25 - A Grimm Honeymoon

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You were pacing back and forth, chewing on your nails as Rosalee and Juliette tried to reassure you that everything was going to be ok. The three of you managed to sneak out of Monroe's house as the three men went after the Hundjagers that broke in. The Verrat had ransacked Hank's house, Nick's house, yours and Sean's apartment, which then had led them to Monroe's. You, Juliette, and Rosalee were currently hiding in the back of the Spice Shop. It had been hours since you had gotten to the Spice Shop and had yet to hear anything from any of the boys. Rosalee finally grabbed your arm, gaining your attention as you turned to her.

"Please sit down. They're going to be ok," she said while giving you a reassured nod.

You wiped a tear from your eyes, "It's the Verrat Rosalee. If they find out..." You hesitated, "if they find out I'm pregnant, with Sean's baby..."

"I know," Rosalee whispered as she pulled you into a hug, "But we are going to do everything to protect you both."

There was a knock at the backdoor of the shop, making you all jump. Rosalee ran over to unlock it, letting Monroe in. You felt your heart drop when Nick and Sean didn't follow. Before you could say anything, Monroe spoke up.

"They're on their way. We managed to take care of the four Hundjagers, made it look like they killed each other."

"Adalind?" you asked.

Monroe shook his head, "We don't know where she is or if she is even still stateside."

You glanced over to Juliette who was just sitting there, staring off into space. You walked over to her, gently touching her arm. Her head snapped up at you, her eyes wide.

"Are you ok?" you whispered.

She took a minute but then nodded, "Yeah, just trying to wrap my head around everything."

The sound of the backdoor opening turned your attention away. Breathing a sigh of relief as you watched Nick and Sean walk in. You ran towards Sean, him catching you in his arms as he held you tight against him, kissing the side of your head. As he placed you back onto your feet, you pulled back to look at him, your hand cupping his face.

"Are you ok? You're not hurt?"

Sean smiled as he shook his head, "No. I'm fine. And I think the royal family and the Verrat will receive our message."

"They were looking for the key," Nick piped up.

You sighed, "That damn key. So, they didn't know about us?"

Sean shook his head, "No, I don't think so."

"Speaking of what do we do about the wedding?" Rosalee asked. "We still have everything planned at the bistro."

Sean tucked you into his side as he turned to Rosalee, "I say we still have it. Just tell everyone we did a private ceremony. It will help keep suspicions down."


You were shocked to see that everyone showed up to the reception that you had planned. Half the police precinct was there. Wu offered to buy you and Sean a drink, with Sean pointing out that it was an open bar.

"Exactly. That's why I'm buying," Wu said with smile.

You laughed as you shook your head. Wu always had a sly remark or two and you missed that from when you worked with him. A song began playing and you felt Sean take your hand, pulling you to the dance floor. You raised an eyebrow as he smiled.

"I took the liberty of requesting this as our first dance," he said as he pulled you close, his right hand at your waist as he held yours in his left. Etta James' "At Last" began as Sean twirled you around the dance floor. You laughed as he pulled you close, him kissing your forehead. When the song was done, everyone began clinking their glasses.

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