Chapter 7 - The Acceptance of a Grimm

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"The Captain? As in Nick's boss?" Monroe said in disbelief.

You sighed in frustration as you opened the fridge to grab a beer. "I don't know for sure. I just know that things have been weird ever since we met and when we are around each other."

Monroe leaned against the counter, "Does he know what you are?"

You shook your head as you took a drink, "Not that I'm aware of. It's not like I go up to people I meet and say, Hi I'm (Y/N) Burkhardt and I'm a Grimm."

Monroe rolled his eyes at you. "So, what are you going to do?"

You shrugged, "I don't know. I didn't even know he was Wesen, let alone a Zauberbiest until you told us everything. Do you think he knows?"

"Eh, well..." Monroe hesitated. Your eyes got big when realization hit you. Monroe quickly put his hands up, "It's probably fine. It's common for Wesen who are marked to prepare for this their whole life."

"Yeah, but do you think that he knows that it's me and that I'm a Grimm?"

"I guess there is only one way to find out," Monroe said to you.


Working up the nerve to try and talk to Sean and figure out if he really was a Zauberbiest was much harder than you anticipated. Every time you saw him at work, your heart would start pounding both out of nerves and out of lust for him. It was starting to drive you insane. You convinced Monroe to keep the knowledge that it very well could be Sean a secret from Nick. Because one, you didn't want Nick to overreact, and two, you weren't sure if you wanted Nick to know. At least not yet.

You spent your spare time in the trailer, looking through book after book to see if you could find anything about your marking. You found plenty about markings for other Wesen but was shocked when you found the passage about Zauberbiests and Hexenbeists. According to the translation, the two Wesen were considered enemies of the Grimms. You also read that according to folklore, Wesen and Grimm relationships were more than just frowned upon, they were forbidden. You sighed in frustration, slamming the book shut. If it was forbidden, then why were you linked to not just any Wesen, but one that was considered the enemy of the Grimms?

You were sitting at your desk outside Sean's office when you decided that you were going to stop playing cat and mouse with him and just come clean. Taking a deep breath, you got up from your seat and marched into his office, shutting the door and closing the blinds. Sean looked up from what he was working on with an eyebrow raised. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest.

"We need to talk," you said as you took a shaky step closer to his desk.

Sean leaned back in his chair. "Ok. What do we need to talk about?"

You chewed on the inside of your cheek, "Us."

Sean folded his arms across his chest, "What about us?"

Deciding you were just going to jump in headfirst, you pulled the sleeve up from your shirt and thrusted your right wrist into his face. "About this," you said.

You noticed Sean's demeanor change. He cleared his throat, "Your birthmark?"

"Is that what it is?" you asked, your hands starting to shake with nerves.

Sean sighed as he gently took your wrist in his hands and rubbed his thumb over the marking, causing a tingling sensation to crawl up your body as your breath hitched.

"No," he said quietly, "it's not a birthmark."

"Do you know what I am?" you asked softly.

Sean continued to stare at your wrist and rub it. You took your hand out of his and placed your hands on his desk, leaning in slightly.

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