Chapter 33 - Grimm Royalty

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It only took about a week before the Wesen Community heard about the birth of yours and Sean's daughter. Daily it seemed like Monroe and Rosalee were bringing items to your house that were left at the shop. With the chaos of everything that led up to the birth and then the birth itself, you and Sean hadn't had an opportunity to properly address the Wesen Community and officially take your claim as the Wesen royal family of Portland. You called upon Bud and Rosalee to help organize this, deciding to introduce the entire family properly after Marie was a month old.

In the meantime, Nick and Hank were as busy as ever dealing with cases that involved Wesen. Sean was fortunate enough to get paternity leave, so he was able to stay home with you and Marie while beginning to get Wesen community affairs in order. Meisner continued to watch over you and Marie and the Wesen Council sent Alexander once again to represent them when your little family made their debut. It was a week before the big event and you had asked everyone to come have dinner at your house. As Monroe helped Sean finish up in the kitchen, you and Rosalee sat in the living room, gushing over Marie. Hearing a knock on your door, you made your way over to find your brother on the other side.

He gestured behind him, "That's new."

You looked behind your brother to see the special security gate closed with Meisner and another person from the resistance standing guard. "Yeah," you said slightly embarrassed. "After everything happened with Viktor and our new roles, Sean and the resistance are being extra cautious." You opened the door wider to let Nick in. "No Juliette?" you asked.

His jaw tensed slightly, taking you by the arm and leading you off to the side where the others couldn't hear. "She left me," he said quietly.

You raised your eyebrows in shock, "Seriously? What happened?"

Nick shook his head, "She said that she could accept me being a Grimm and that Wesen existed, but all this stuff going on with you and Sean, the resistance, the Verrat, the royals, I think it became too much for her. And she said that she knew we were never meant to be."

Your heart dropped, "The marking?"

Nick nodded, "I just wish I could find out what it all meant."

Before you could respond, you heard Sean call out your name. "We'll talk about this later," you said as you led Nick into the dining room.

Once you were all settled and everyone filled their plates, Monroe cleared his throat. "Rosalee and I have something exciting to share with you."

You, Sean, and Nick all looked at each other with eyebrows raised as you looked to Monroe to continue. Monroe looked at Rosalee and she beamed back at him.

"We're getting married!" she exclaimed.

You gasped as you jumped up, running over and hugging Rosalee and Monroe. Nick and Sean shook Monroe's hand.

"I'm so excited for you two!" you said with a smile. You all sat back down. "So, tell me everything!"

Rosalee laughed, "Well, Monroe took me out to dinner to an insanely fancy restaurant. When we got back, he wanted to show me this clock."

Nick rolled his eyes, "Of course he did."

"Hey!" Monroe exclaimed, "I made it very romantic."

Rosalee laughed again, "He did. When the Cuckoo popped out, it said, 'Will you marry me' and had a ring in its beak."

"Aww!" you said as you leaned against Sean's shoulder. "That's adorable!"

Sean chuckled at you, "Have you thought about a date yet?"

Rosalee nodded as she looked to Monroe, "We were thinking maybe the end of the summer, early fall."

You raised your eyebrows, "Then we need to start planning!"

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