Chapter 39 - A Grimm's Gift

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Adalind took you by the arm as Nick placed his hand on your back, guiding you to the room where Sean was. Hank stayed back in the waiting room, making phone calls to the precinct to let them know what was happening. As you walked into the room, your breath hitched when you saw how pale Sean was. You stepped closer, your hands shaking. You reached out to touch him but pulled your hand back, as if you were afraid to touch him. This couldn’t be real. You and Sean were bound together. Fate put you two together. There was no way it would tear you both apart like this. You began shaking your head, a feeling of anger bubbling up inside.

“No,” you said as you stepped closer. Nick went to step towards you, only for Adalind to stop him. They watched as you placed your hands on Sean’s face, leaning in to give him a chaste kiss on the lips. “I’m not letting you go. I’m not letting them win.” You leaned your forehead against his. “For all of eternity. You are mine, and I am yours. Now, come back to me,” you whispered to him. You stood up straighter, looking down at Sean, and tried to figure out exactly what you needed to do. 

Seeing your hesitation, Adalind stepped forward. “Trust yourself. He’s your mate, and you’re a Grimm Healer. Only you can save him.”

You nodded in response and took a deep breath, “Help me get to his wounds.”

Adalind walked around the other side of the bed, helping you to gently pull the hospital gown off of Sean’s chest. Nick went to protest but stopped himself. He watched as you and Adalind gently removed the gauze from his bullet wounds. You took a shaky breath when you saw them, your hands shaking again. Adalind reached across and took one of your hands, squeezing it and giving you a nod. You placed your hands over one of the bullet wounds, just hovering above it, and closed your eyes. You focused all of your love and energy on it, feeling a warmth flow from your hands to Sean. When the timing felt right, you moved on to the next one, and then the last wound. Once you felt that you had done everything you could, you pulled back, almost collapsing from the amount of energy you used. Nick was quick to catch you before you fell. The machines in the room began beeping frantically. Suddenly, Sean’s eyes snapped open as he gasped for air. You pushed away from Nick, reaching out to Sean. Before you could take his hand, the doctors and nurses rushed in and pushed you three out of the room, your fingers barely brushing Sean’s as he reached out for you.


A medical miracle is what the doctors said happened to Sean. They could not explain how the internal damage had essentially disappeared. His bullet wounds were still present, but they were healing rather quickly. While the doctor’s assessed Sean, Adalind took you to the women’s restroom, where you finally were able to wash the blood off of you and change into clean clothes. You made your way back to Sean’s room just as the doctor came out.

“He’s asking for you,” the doctor said. “I don’t know how, but he is fine. Weak right now, but after getting some rest for a few days, he should be cleared to go home. However, I think it best if he takes some time off work until he builds his strength back up.”

You nodded and thanked the doctor.

“We’ll give you two some space. We’re going to check in with Monroe and Rosalee, and then Hank and I will be at the precinct. Are you okay if Adalind and I take Marie for the night? Give Rosalee and Monroe a break?” Nick asked.

You nodded. “Sounds good,” you said, without taking your eyes away from Sean’s figure through the window. You didn’t pay any attention to Nick and Adalind as they walked away. You made your way into Sean’s room, your heart hammering in your chest. Why you were nervous, you didn’t know, but seeing him okay felt like the first time you saw him all over again.

Sean looked over at you and smiled, “Hey Sweetheart,” he said in a raspy voice.

You felt tears sting your eyes as you smiled, “Hey.” He reached out his hand to you. You made your way over to him, taking his hand in yours and sitting on the edge of the bed. “You scared the hell out of me. I thought I lost you,” you whispered, a tear falling down your cheek.

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