Chapter 15 - The Grimm's Message

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“Here you go, Mrs. Turner,” you said with a smile as you handed the older woman her bag. “Now remember, be sure to let it steep for exactly five minutes before you drink it. Otherwise, the mixture won’t be as potent.”

The older lady thanked you as she took the bag and made her way out of the Spice Shop. You went back to mixing the new herbal remedies you had gotten a shipment in earlier in the day. Rosalee walked over, cleaning up the supplies you used for Mrs. Turner’s order.

“So, have you and Sean set a date yet?” she asked with a smile.

You smiled as you shook your head, “No, not yet. I want to enjoy being engaged for a while before we rush to the altar.”

You both continued working as you glanced over at Rosalee with a smirk. She furrowed her brows, “What?”

You bit your tongue as you laughed, “So, how are you and Monroe?”

Rosalee rolled her eyes, “We’re just friends.”

You raised an eyebrow, “You sure that’s all it is? Anytime I am home, I swear you are all he ever talks about.”

Rosalee’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink, “He talks about me?”

You nodded with a smile, “All the time.”

You heard your phone ring, laughing as you watched Rosalee get flustered and nearly drop the beaker she was cleaning, you answered your phone.

Hey (Y/N),” you heard your brother on the other end.

“Nick, hey, what’s up?”

“I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Let me guess,” you said as you glanced over at Rosalee, “you have another Wesen case.” Rosalee smirked as she heard you.

Nick sighed, “Yeah but this one is a little personal. Remember the refrigerator repair guy?”

You thought for a minute, “The one that brought the pie?”

Nick laughed, “Yeah, that one. Someone he knows was the witness to a murder and he is afraid to come out. We’re talking like troll bridge type Wesen that have been preying on the Eisbibers for years. I’m hoping to convince them to fight back so we can end this.”

“What do you need me for?” you asked.

Well, you are kind of the gentle Grimm. The one that doesn’t scare half the Wesen away.”

You scoffed, “You sure about that?”

“Look, the Wesen community is slowly coming to terms that we are here in Portland. While I am a cop which some see as beneficial, word is spreading about you working at the Spice Shop, helping the sick. I think having you there might help.”

You sighed, “Fine, I’ll go.”

Thank you (Y/N). I really appreciate it.”

“Don’t mention it. So, where are we going?” you asked.

I’ll pick you up when you close the shop.”


“Nick! Over here!” the man said as he ran over. He stopped when he saw you, woging into his Eisbiber form. 

You smiled shyly and waved. Nick smirked, “Bud. I’d like you to meet my sister (Y/N).”

“Oh! Your sister!  We’ve met!” Bud continued, sputtering and tripping over his words.

Grimm (Female Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now