Chapter 45 - A Grimm's Sacrifice

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“Juliette is a Hexenbiest?” Rosalee asked in disbelief.

You nodded your head. As soon as Juliette had left, you called Rosalee and Monroe. They rushed over as quickly as they could. You were all sitting in your living room, Marie on Rosalee’s lap, playing with her necklace. You were sitting next to Sean, tucked into his side on the couch. Meisner was sitting on the arm of the couch. Adalind was in one of the chairs by the fireplace, Nick sitting on the arm of her chair. Elizabeth stood by the window, looking out at the woods.

“How is that even possible? Is that even possible?” Rosalee asked.

“I mean, Adalind got her powers back,” you said as you glanced at her.

“Adalind?” asked Sean.

“I mean, yeah, I got my powers back. But what I had to go through to get them was not easy. It involved blood magic, and it took months,” she replied.

“If she had help from the royal family, I can only assume they had help from a gypsy, and there is only one gypsy in the old country that would have that kind of knowledge,” Elizabeth said, looking towards Adalind.

“Stefania,” she replied.

“Whose Stefania?” you asked.

“She’s the Queen of the Schwarzwald Gypsies and very powerful,” replied Elizabeth.

“Great,” said Monroe, “Now we are throwing gypsies into the mix. So, she thought that if she became a Hexenbiest, she would just magically become Nick’s mate. That’s not how this works!”

“What do we do?” You ask out loud. “I mean, clearly she’s completely gone off the deep end. Who knows what the royal family told her or promised her.”

“Being born a Hexenbiest is one thing. But becoming one, the trials you have to go through are excruciating. She’s not the same person you once knew,” spoke up Elizabeth. “If anything, she’s even more dangerous than a born Hexenbiest. I think it’s time to plan for the worst-case scenario.”

“What do you mean?” asked Sean.

“It’s clear that your father isn’t going to back down. And if he knows about Marie’s existence, it won’t take him long to find out what she is capable of. Especially with a father who is a Zauberbiest and a mother who is not only a Grimm but a Grimm Healer,” Elizabeth said.

You looked over at Marie as she continued to play with Rosalee. You watched as one of her stuffed animals flew across the room and into her hands. Your heart sped up as Elizabeth’s words sunk in. You knew what she was implying and understood that it was for the best, but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t fight back.

You shook your head, “No, I’m not letting her leave.” Sean tried to comfort you, but you pushed away, standing up from the couch and taking Marie from Rosalee, holding her close to you. “She’s safest with us.”

“Separating you two is your greatest chance of defeating the royal family in their game. Imagine what would happen if they got both of you,” Elizabeth said.

“What are you saying, mother?” asked Sean. “You want us to send Marie away?”

“It would only be temporary. Only until we are sure that the royal family won’t continue to come after her,” replied Elizabeth.

“And where are we supposed to send her?” asked Nick. “We’re not just going to hand her over to just anyone to take her away.”

“It has to be someone who you trust. Who will know how to keep her identity a secret and who can protect her,” Meisner said.

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