Chapter 55 - A Grimm Dynasty

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Hadrian's Wall had fallen. While one potential threat to Wessen life was gone, the ever looming presence of Black Claw was still hanging over Portland. Sean decided he wanted to give Boneparte a sense of security and that you both were loyal to the cause, so while he played the part of the loyal servant, you were kept out of sight as much as possible. When you were in the public or near those loyal to the organization, you came off as the compliant wife. However, in reality, you were busy working behind the scenes prepping for the organization's downfall.

You had reached out to Alexander, who was still in Vienna, relaying to him everything that had happened so far. He was utterly appalled at how Boneparte was treating both you and Sean and was shocked to hear that he hadn't met his demise yet. You let him know of the plan on how to bring down Black Claw and hoped he and the rest of the former council would work with Trubel on bringing down the organization outside of Portland. He readily agreed and assured you that should you and Sean need it, they would send back-up when the time came.

Once everything was settled with Alexander, you began working secretly with Nick on reaching out to the Wesen that were loyal to you and Sean. Elizabeth became your go between. It was no secret amongst Black Claw that Sean's mother was a permanent resident in Portland and therefore a permanent fixture that came and went from your home. So, when it was realized that your home was being watched and Nick was being followed, you set up a system on how to contact the loyalists without causing any suspicion. Elizabeth would visit twice a week. She would relay information to you that came from Rosalee and Monroe at the Spice Shop. You in turn would give her information to help those that were resisting against Black Claw. However, on this particular day, you were surprised to not find Elizabeth on the other side of the door but Nick of all people.

"Nick?" you said in surprise, quickly grabbing your brother and pulling him into the house. "What are you doing here? What if someone saw you?"

"(Y/N), you're my sister. It'd be more concerning if I didn't come over to your house."

You huffed a sigh, "But Black Claw..."

"Needs to back off," your brother interjected. "I'm not going to let them intimidate us to the point that I can't even visit my own family. All I've done is go from work to home. I haven't even been to the shop. As far as they know, I'm just a dutiful police captain. Besides, it's been weeks since I've seen you or Marie. Adalind has been asking about all of you and I think being stuck at home with Kelly is getting to her."

You led your brother into the living room, sitting down on the couch as he sat across from you. "How is all of that going?" you asked.

Nick fidgeted in his seat for a moment before he leaned forward. "That's actually why I wanted to risk coming over here to see you. There's something I wanted to talk to you about."

You felt a wave of concern wash over you as you noticed the anxiety coming from your brother. "Okay," you said slowly, "what is it?"

Nick let out a breath, "I'm thinking about asking Adalind to marry me."

You sucked in a breath with surprise. Why you were surprised, you didn't know. After all, they were mated and had a child together, it made sense for them to tie the knot. But with everything that had happened the past few years, you weren't sure if your brother was ever going to truly commit to someone.

"(Y/N)?" Nick's voice broke you out of your thoughts. You looked back at him, noticing he looked concerned. You gave him a small smile.

"As long as you are happy, then I am happy."

"Really?" Nick said, almost sounding relieved. "I know mine and Adalind's relationship has been hard to get used to, especially with our past with her, but..."

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