Chapter 53 - A Grimm Meeting

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"How do I look?" you asked as you stepped out where Sean was fixing his tie in the mirror. He turned and smiled at you.

"You look beautiful," he replied as he walked over, cupping your cheek and placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Do I give off the I'm a Grimm and I will kill you, vibe?"

Sean chuckled, "Anyone who is smart knows not to mess with the Grimm Healer Queen."

You looked down, fiddling with your wedding ring. "I'm actually nervous about this meeting." You looked back up at Sean. "I don't think I was this nervous when we met with Eric."

Sean sighed, "Bonaparte would be an idiot if he tries to do anything. Remember, this is just to find out what their objective is. We'll have to appear compliant until we can get the information Hadrian's Wall needs in order to fully infiltrate Black Claw and put a stop to this." Sean pulled you into his arms, hugging you close. Hearing a knock on your bedroom door, you broke away from his embrace, answering the door to find Eve standing there.

"Are you ready?" she asked. You nodded in response as Sean came up from behind you. Eve eyed you up and down, taking in your black dress. It was loose enough that your bump wouldn't stand out but fitting enough that it wouldn't cause suspicion. Eve nodded, "If I didn't know, I wouldn't know."

"Good," replied Sean. "That's the point. The last thing we need is Boneparte to use our unborn child as leverage."

Eve led you and Sean to a waiting black SUV outside of your home. The drive to the meeting location was quiet. Something just didn't sit right with you on this whole thing. For one thing, you felt as if Black Claw was encroaching on yours and Sean's territory, turning those loyal to the royal family against you. But then, part of you wandered if the Wesen community felt as though you abandoned them when you and Sean had to travel to Vienna. It was at this moment that you began to realize just how much bigger everything was. You had always just sort of seen yourself and Sean as figure heads who would step in and help Wesen when things would pop up. Perhaps it was time to take this more seriously.

The SUV pulled up in front of one of the swankier hotels in Portland. As Sean helped you out, you were surprised to find Meisner and one of his men waiting for you outside. Eve flanked you as you and Sean followed Meisner into the hotel.

"We've got men throughout the building and outside. The place is swarming with Wesen. It isn't clear at this moment if they are part of Black Claw or not," Meisner said quietly to you and Sean.

Sean nodded, "The hotel is owned by a prominent Wesen family. Makes sense that Bonaparte would choose this as the meeting location. I want to keep this meeting as short as possible."

Meisner nodded in understanding as he led you both further into the hotel and to the restaurant that was toward the back. Looking around, you noticed it wasn't crowded at all. Some of the people in the bar you recognized as your own men but there were a few you didn't know and with the way they were eyeing you and Sean walking in, meant that they had to be with Black Claw. Sean held your hand tight in his as you came to a stop at a table in the middle of the room. An older gentleman in an expensive suit stood from the table. Instead of formally introducing himself, he woged. You nearly jumped at the sudden action. You had never seen a full Zauberbiest before. His features were similar to a Hexenbiest, his flesh appearing almost decaying. Sean woged back and feeling him squeeze your hand, you allowed your Grimm to appear. After a few seconds, you all returned to normal as Boneparte gestured for you both to take a seat.

"I apologize for the informality, but I wanted to know if the rumors were true," he said as he sat down from across you.

"And what rumors might that be?" Sean asked as he sat back in his chair, his hand never leaving yours.

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