Chapter 59 - A Grimm Future

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Author's Note: We're going off the beaten path majorly now, so hang on!


*Twelve Years Later*

"Henry, stop it! That's not fair!"

"It's not my fault you're like Uncle Nick, and I take after Dad."

"Ugh, you are both so annoying!"

"Well, excuse me, princess, it's not my fault Charlie is the world's most annoying little brother."

"I'm telling Mom!"

"What is wrong with you three? Do you have any idea how late your parents got in last night?"

"Sorry, Aunt Adalind."

"Marie, your grandmother is waiting for you for your lessons. Charlie, Kelly is down in the training room waiting for you."

"Where's Uncle Nick?"

"He's on patrol with Trubel and Eve. Ah, ah, ah, Henry, you're coming with me. Meisner has your training course set up for you."

You groaned, rolling over and burying your head into Sean's chest as you heard Adalind herding your children away. You snuggled deeper under the coves as Sean's arms wrapped tighter around you. You had had a late night overseeing one of the Wesen celebrations in the Black Forrest, an annual event that you and Sean, as King and Queen, would oversee every year. Being King and Queen kept you both busy, but for the first time in weeks, you both had nothing on your schedules for the day except for checking in with your guard.

"Where did the children go?" Sean said sleepily against your head.

"Adalind gathered them and sent them to their respective lessons," you replied, eyes still closed.

"When do we have to meet with the guard?"

"I don't know. Nick, Trubel, and Eve are out on patrol. Meisner is working with Henry. I assume when they are all done."

"So, we have some extra alone time then?" Sean asked as he rolled you over on your back, his form hovering over yours. He began to kiss your neck, making his way down, when suddenly your phone wrang.

Both of you groaned as you grabbed your phone. "Trubel, this had better be a life-threatening emergency," you grumbled as you glanced over at Sean.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). I know you and Sean got in late last night, but we've got a situation," she replied.

You instantly sat up straighter in bed, Sean doing the same as he tried to listen into the conversation. "What's going on?" you asked.

You heard the phone change hands as Nick's voice came through, "Trubel, Eve, and I went on patrol. We got word that a group of Wesen are making their way here to Vienna."

"Okay," you said slowly, "why is this a concern?"

"They're a Hexenbiest coven."

"What?" You said in confusion.

"Did you tell her what they want?" You heard a voice say.

"Bud?" you asked, looking at Sean in confusion.

You could hear the phone change hands. "(Y/N)!... I mean, your highness...or your majesty!" He stammered.

You smirked as you shook your head, "Bud, calm down. What are you doing in Vienna?"

"I came as soon as I could. I had to get here to warn you all."

"Warn us? About what?"

You could hear the phone being taken out of Bud's hand as Nick's voice came through, "(Y/N), they want Marie and Henry."

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