Chapter 37 - A Grimm Court

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The next few months were spent trying to get to know Adalind and becoming used to the idea that she and Nick were together. On top of that, the day of Rosalee and Monroe's wedding was quickly approaching. For the most part, things were going well. You and Sean had managed to find a routine of balancing Wesen affairs, which thankfully weren't anything too complicated, and the day to day operations of the Spice Shop and Sean's role as captain at the police force. Even Monroe and Rosalee were starting to get used to having Adalind around. You had just gotten Marie to bed and checked in with Meisner regarding the perimeter of your property when you made your way to Sean's office.

Sean had spared no expense when it came to buying the perfect home for your family. While you would have been fine having something simple like what Monroe and Rosalee had, Sean had bought you a large home, nestled in the outskirts of Portland, surrounded by woods, and the permitter surrounded and encased by a large fence/stone wall. Meisner and his team ensured every day that the property was safe and secured so that not only you and Sean but Marie would be safe from anyone who wished to bring you harm. It was like clockwork for you in the evening. Put Marie to bed, check in with Meisner, and then proceed to Sean's office where you would often times sit by the fireplace, reading one of the many Grimm books, while Sean finished up paperwork that was left for him on his desk.

Tonight was no different. You found Sean sitting at his desk, looking over a casefile, the fireplace already going. Instead of sitting in your usual spot, you made your way over to his desk and leaned against it, facing Sean. He looked up at you, his eyebrows raised as you gave him a small smile.

"How long have you been looking at this paperwork?" you asked.

He sighed as he leaned back, "Since dinner."

You huffed a sigh as you took the papers from his hands, placed them in the folder, and sat it off to the side. "You work too hard, you know."

"Is that so?" he asked as he pulled you down onto his lap.

You hummed in agreement as you leaned your head in the crook of his neck, his hands absentmindedly stroking your arm.

"I was thinking of inviting everyone over for dinner. I want to make sure we are all on the same page with more and more Wesen affairs being brought to us."

You felt Sean nod against your head, "That sounds good. It's been a while since we have all been together. I'm taking this as making them our official court?"

"For lack of a better term, yes." You sat in silence for a moment as you thought over how to say what was on your mind. "I'm inviting Adalind," you said hesitantly. You felt Sean tense, and his hold on you tightened.

"Are you sure about that?" he said into your hair as he gently kissed your head.

You sighed, "No, but in a weird way, yes. I think she was honest and sincere when she came to talk to me at the Spice Shop, and she has shown nothing but loyalty to us. If anything, this can further give her a chance to prove herself."

You both sat in silence as Sean thought over what you said. He sighed as he kissed your head again. "I trust your judgment. But if she does anything to harm you or Marie..."

"We'll cut off her head," you interjected. "Don't worry, I've already warned her."


Rosalee, Monroe, and Hank were standing in the living room, drinks in hand, while laughing and talking. Meisner showed up not long after with Trubel in tow. Hearing the doorbell, you handed Marie to Sean as you made your way over to the entryway. You smiled as you opened the door, seeing Nick and Adalind on the other side.

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