Chapter 29 - The Grimm's Guard

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You looked at the man standing across from you and slowly lowered the crossbow. You hesitantly handed him your phone. Taking it from you, he took it off of speaker.

“Your Highness,” he said as he continued to look at you. He stood in silence as he listened to Sean. You watched as he nodded. “It’s been taken care of. I made sure of it before I arrived.” You shifted back and forth on your feet, uneasy about not fully knowing what was going on. “I’ll wait for your word.” He looked at you again, “She’ll be safe.” He then hung up the phone and handed it back to you.

You bit your lip, unsure what to do next. Meisner cleared his throat. “He has asked that you stay here until they know it’s safe and they have found your brother.” You nodded in response. He gestured towards a chair, “Perhaps you should sit?”

You gave him a deadpanned look, “I’m not made of glass.”

He gave a small smile, “No, but you are carrying a royal baby. You need rest.”

You rolled your eyes. “So, what, are you like my bodyguard or something?”

Meisner nodded, “Or something.”

You sighed, “Well, if you are sticking around until they get back, you can at least help me get everything prepped for when they get Nick here.” You walked in the backroom, gathering supplies. Meisner followed you, picking up vials and glancing at them. “So how do you know my husband?” you asked as you poured a blue liquid into a beaker. 

Meisner looked up, “He has been a silent supporter of the resistance for quite some time.”

You nodded in response. You began to slowly stir the copper pot on the open flame. “Do you know who and what I am?”

He nodded, “You are the mate and wife of his royal highness, Sean Renard, who also so happens to not only be a Grimm but a Grimm Healer.”

You raised an eyebrow, “That was an… extremely thorough answer.”

Meisner shrugged his shoulders, “The Wesen community is well aware of you and what you mean to Sean. While there are many out there that would like to own you, or see you killed, many would do anything to protect you. They understand how rare and valuable you are, and that respect will only grow once word gets out about the child you are carrying.”

The door to the Spice Shop suddenly slammed open, Sean and Monroe carrying Nick in with Rosalee and Juliette following. You quickly rushed over, moving blankets out of the way on the lounger so they could lay him down. Nick’s skin almost looked blue and he was shivering. You quickly covered him.

“Rosalee, there is a tea on the table over there. Grab it so we can give it to him,” you said as you tried to make Nick more comfortable. Rosalee carefully poured the tea, bringing it to you. “Juliette, help prop up his head,” you instructed. Juliette sat slightly behind him, helping to sit his head up. You carefully poured the tea in his mouth. Once you were sure he swallowed it and wasn’t going to choke, you handed the cup back to Rosalee. Slowly Nick’s skin color started to return to normal and he stopped shivering. Sighing in relief, you stood up, only to be pulled into Sean’s arms.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he pulled back and cupped your face to look at you.

You laughed, “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” You gently rubbed your thumb over his cheek where a cut was. “The other victims?” you asked.

“We managed to turn them back to normal.” Rosalee replied.

“Hank, Wu, and the rest of the precinct are taking care of that,” Sean replied. He leaned down and kissed you.

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