Chapter 44 - A Grimm Betrayal

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After a few weeks of planning, you and Sean were ready for your trip to Vienna. You, Sean, and Meisner wanted to ensure that not only everything would go smoothly but that the outcome you wanted would happen. The hardest decision you all had was if you should come announced or surprise Viktor with your arrival. Sean didn't want to cross a line of entering his father's territory without the diplomatic courtesy, so a formal letter was sent to the king. Why it would only arrive the day before you and Sean were expected to touchdown in Vienna was beyond you. Funny how postage can be.

You were a little worried about the both of you leaving Portland. There had been some instances of Wesen showing their woging to swindle money from the unsuspecting humans. But once word got out that you and Sean would not stand for that type of behavior, the issues were resolved. Those who did not agree were given the choice of leaving. While some did, most stayed in Portland, happy to know that there was leadership looking out for their wellbeing. Monroe and Rosalee assured you that they would be able to keep things running smoothly in your absence, and the Wesen Community knew to reach out to them.

The week before you left, Marie's second birthday had arrived. Her powers were growing stronger, and she had a habit of getting into mischief, often keeping you, Sean, and his mother on your toes. Not to mention, the one-time Meisner found her on the roof because she claimed a baby bird needed help. Adalind and Nick assured you that they would help Elizabeth with keeping an eye on Marie while you and Sean were away. While Trubel had originally been given the task of protecting Marie, she had made the decision to go out on her own after the son of a Grimm showed up on Nick's doorstep with another key. His father had passed away, and although Josh was not passed down the Grimm gene, he was eager to learn everything he could. So, you, Sean, and Nick gave Trubel your blessing to venture out on her own, promising that she would visit when she could. Everything seemed to be falling into place, so you should have known that shit was about to hit the fan.

You were just a few days away from making your Vienna trip when an unexpected guest arrived at your doorstep. You had just finished your itinerary with Meisner and Adalind. She had been helpful with insight into the comings and goings of the palace since she had lived there for a while. As the three of you walked out of the conference room, the doorbell rang out. You glanced over at Meisner and Adalind, a sense of fear washing over you. After all, the last time someone unexpectedly showed up at your doorstep, Sean had been shot, you had been almost killed, and Marie would have certainly been kidnapped. Meisner held his hand out at you both, signaling for you and Adalind to stand back as he peered through the side window by the door.

"Adalind, you may want to go out the back," Meisner said as he looked over at you two.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I believe that is Juliette Silverton on the front porch," he replied.

Your head snapped over to Adalind, fear evident in her eyes. You nodded at Meisner, "Make sure Adalind leaves undetected. I'll see what Juliette wants."

"Are you sure?" asked Meisner.

You nodded, "I think I can handle her. I'll see what she wants."

Once you were sure that Meisner and Adalind were gone, you went to open the door. Juliette looked the same, but you could sense that something was off about her.

"Juliette! What are you doing here?" you asked, trying to sound surprised and pleasant at the same time.

"(Y/N)!" Juliette exclaimed as she turned towards the door. "I'm sorry to just show up like this, but I was hoping we could talk?"

You glanced behind you and saw Elizabeth making her way down the stairs with Marie. You stepped out on the porch and closed the door behind you. "Actually, now isn't the best time. Sean and I are kind of in the middle of something."

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