Chapter 12 - The Grimm's Enemy

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You sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You did not want to do this dinner tonight. After making amends with Nick, Juliette had suggested that you all go out to dinner so they could properly get to know Sean as not just Nick's boss but your boyfriend. But then Hank had begged Nick that they go out so he and Juliette could meet his new girlfriend, and now that things were more or less official with you and Sean, you two were roped into the dinner too. There was a knock at your bedroom door.

"Yeah?" You called out.

Monroe opened the door, sticking his head in. "He's here."

You sighed again, smoothing out your dress and grabbing your shoes. You followed Monroe down the stairs to find Sean standing at the door. He smirked when he saw you, hopping like an idiot as you tried to get your last shoe on. You must have had a look on your face because Sean laughed and placed his hands on your shoulders.

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks," you said unenthusiastically.

"You know," Monroe said from behind you, "I could call Nick and tell him you are under the weather. You two could run away for a few days."

Sean cocked an eyebrow, "I like that idea."

You shook your head, "No. Nick would kill me. He hates double dates. I'd never hear the end of it. Let's just go and get this over with."


You and Sean ran into Nick and Juliette on your way into the restaurant. You introduced Sean to Juliette, and the four of you were getting along just fine until you walked over to the bar where Hank was. As soon as he spotted you four, a blonde woman turned around, and you froze in your place, grasping at Sean's arm tightly to keep yourself from either fainting or attacking the woman.

"Hey guys!" Hank exclaimed. "Nick, Captain, you remember Adalind Schade."

You looked over at your brother, who looked beyond angry to see her there. You felt Sean tense up next to you. Juliette spoke up.

"Oh yeah, they helped you on one of their cases?"

Adalind nodded, "Yes, I was very appreciative of their assistance."

While you had a strong hold on Sean, you were trying to keep your breathing in check as Hank turned to you and Juliette.

"Adalind, this is Nick's girlfriend, Juliette. And this is his sister (Y/N)," Adalind turned to you and slightly smirked as she stuck her hand out.

Sean put his hand on your waist, pulling you towards him and keeping Adalind from touching you. "Why don't you three get our table, and we'll grab us some drinks," he said, gesturing towards himself, you, and Nick.

You watched as Juliette walked off with Hank and Adalind. You turned to your brother, "What the hell, Nick?"

Nick shook his head, his lips pursed, "I had no idea that was who Hank was seeing."

Sean led you over to the bar with Nick following. "How do you two know her?"

You rubbed your hand on your face, sighing out your frustration. "She's the one that tried to kill Aunt Marie and attacked Nick."

Sean looked at you, his demeanor changing to that of anger. "You never told me it was a Hexenbiest."

You looked at him pointedly, "Sean, I barely knew what I was at the time, and I didn't know you were Wesen then."

Sean looked at Nick, "Things just got very complicated."

"How do you mean?" Nick asked.

Sean glanced at the table where the others were sitting. "Adalind Schade is an old friend of the family. She is very tricky. Hexenbiests don't just date humans. Her being here, dating your partner, means she is probably up to something. And if she tried to do anything to you," Sean said, gesturing to you, "then that is considered treason."

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