Chapter 10 - The Grimm Truth

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You groaned as you heard your cellphone go off. Rolling over in bed, you reached over and saw that Monroe was calling. Sighing, you answered.

"Monroe? Why are you calling me this early?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know who else to call. I stayed at Rosalee's brother's house in case those guys showed up again. But now she is leaving to go back to the shop."

You sat up in bed, holding the covers to your chest. "What? Monroe, you have to go with her. I'll be there as soon as I can." Hanging up, you groaned as you threw your phone on the bed.

You felt a strong arm wrap around your waist and pull you back down into the bed. You snuggled into Sean as he kissed your head.

"Everything ok?" he asked softly.

You sighed, "Yeah, just Rosalee being stubborn." You turned your head so you were looking up at him, your hand caressing his cheek. "I wish I could just stay like this forever." Sean smiled as he leaned in and kissed you softly.

Rolling over, he opened his bedside drawer, pulling out a box. You raised an eyebrow as he laughed. "Don't worry, it's not an engagement ring. At least not yet," he said with a smirk.

You opened the box to find a silver ring that had an insignia on it. "It's beautiful."

Sean took it out of the box and slid it onto your middle finger on your right hand. "It's the Renard family crest. Wearing it signifies that you are betrothed to a member of the royal family."

"I thought you said this wasn't a proposal," you said slyly.

He shook his head with a smile, "Betrothal and proposal are two different things. Trust me, when I propose, it won't be in bed."

You raised an eyebrow as you climbed onto his lap, straddling him. "Oh really?"

He laughed as he leaned up and kissed you. "It will definitely be more meaningful."


"You know, we could keep this shop open and man it ourselves? Just a thought," you said nonchalantly to Rosalee as you swept up some glass from the night before.

"It is a nice shop," Monroe piped up. "Be a shame to lose a place like this in the community."

Rosalee just shook her head at both of you. You knew she had a checkered past from when she lived in Portland, but she had changed a lot. And you missed working with her and working in an herbal shop. As you went to say the very thing you had been thinking, you heard the bell on the shop door ring. Turning, you saw Sargent Wu come in.

"Hey Wu!" you said cheerfully as you walked over. You came to an abrupt stop when you noticed the state he was in.

"I.. uh.. Nick.. asked me to," but before he could finish his sentence, he dropped to the floor.

"Oh my god, is he ok?" Rosalee said as she and Monroe rushed over. As the three of you looked at Wu, you watched as large round yellowish boils rose all over his skin.

"Uh, I don't think that's normal," Monroe quipped.

"Quick," Rosalee said, "Help me get him on the table over here."

The three of you lifted Wu up off the floor and carefully moved him to the table. As Rosalee started gathering supplies, you called your brother.

"Nick! You need to get to the spice shop now. Wu stopped by, and he just collapsed. He looks terrible. Definitely an after effect of something Wesen."

As Rosalee started mixing herbs and tinctures, you rolled up your sleeves and pulled your hair back so you could help to apply the ointment. As you were brushing it on Wu's face, you heard Rosalee gasp as she quickly grabbed your wrist, turning it over.

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