I Miss You [Ashton]

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This sick strange darkness

Comes creeping on so haunting every time

These three months had been the hardest in Ashton's life. You weren't here anymore, was he expected to be jumping for joy? No, of course not, he was depressed as hell with a alcohol bottle constantly clung in his grasp. How did this happen? If only you'd have told him sooner, all of this could have been so different. It may sound like he resented you, but he didn't. In fact, that was the last feeling he could ever have for you. He adored you, in every aspect of the word. Even when you were screaming at him for something stupid, he still couldn't help but fall more in love with you with every passing minute. God, he needed you now more than ever. He'd left you twenty-seven voicemails, three hundred texts, and still no response had come from you. But he knew exactly the reason why, and he couldn't bare to think about it.


You'd called up earlier that day and promised to go see him, it had been a couple of weeks and you'd missed each other like crazy. The only thing is you were trying to avoid him because you didn't want to hurt him, and knowing you had to, was eating away at you.

Knocking on Ashton's front door, you unclenched your fist and your hands shook lightly from the nerves you were currently facing. How could you even tell him news of this nature without tearing him in two? You only wished you knew, there was no easy way to break this news and you wanted to be mute. No voice, no need to tell your deepest, most horrible secret. You'd been selfish to keep this to yourself, but you couldn't burden him with it. Not when his life was going so amazingly well. But you knew you'd waited too long now, it wasn't fair to keep this from him any longer.

Ashton's beaming smile greeted you as he opened the door; he didn't say anything before his lips met yours. The moment was pure bliss; you'd missed the feeling of those thin, pink lips on yours. He was the best kisser by miles compared to any other guy you'd ever kissed. Well, Ashton was better at everything than any of those other guys. Sexy as hell, fantastic kisser, and the personality of an angel... He was your idea of perfection.

His lips disconnected from yours, and he looked slightly alarmed. "Are you ok, babe? You're shaking like a leaf." The concern lacing his every word was like a bullet to the heart. You were going to tell him right there and then, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Not yet, it was the first time you'd seen each other in weeks, you couldn't ruin it.

A fake, little smile graced your mouth with ease, "I'm great, Ash, just pretty cold that's all." It wasn't a total lie; it held some truth... you guessed.

"Good, well come in and I'll get you a hot chocolate." He'd treat you like his princess from day one, always looked after you and cared for you in times of need. He was a gentleman, with a heart of pure gold. You fell harder for him with every word he spoke. "I'm kind of feeling a movie day, are you ok with that?"

"Of course, so long as I'm spending time with you, I really don't care what we're doing to be honest." Well, at least you were telling the full truth this time.

"You're adorable." Ashton always stared at you in complete awe, as if he'd never seen anyone as beautiful as you. It made your heart flutter erratically. "I was thinking we could watch 'A walk to remember', I know it's one of your favourites." He wasn't wrong; you sometimes found yourself quoting it at random points in conversation.

"Sounds great, I haven't watched it in ages, makes me too emotional sometimes."

"I'm gunna be here to dry your tears, so you have nothing to worry about." He peppered kisses all over your face causing you to scrunch your nose up as it was quite ticklish. "Come on, I'll get it set up for us."

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