Hello [songfic - Michael]

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  A/N Ok, so I don't usually like writing songfics for songs that have been recently released bc I feel like they get super judged just based on the song and idk I'm not game for that. However, I started writing this fic and then Adele's new song "Hello" came on and I realised that the song and story just fit pretty well together.


'There's such a difference between us
And a million miles
Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times'

The rain poured down the bedroom windows and you watched every little drop sink out of view. Loneliness was not supposed to exist like this in a relationship. It shouldn't have hurt this bad to be away from the one you loved most in the world, but it did. In fact, it was like a dagger to the chest that someone just kept turning and turning. It sounds dramatic, but being without Michael was like your heart being trapped in another part of the world. And in a metaphorical sense, you guessed it was.

Michael had been touring with the band for a few months now. At first, everything was great and the distance wasn't affecting either of you at all. But the longer they were away for; the more the late night phone calls and facetimes became not enough. Nothing could quite compare to being able to feel Michael's touch on your skin as his fingers left trails of heat all over your body. To be able to hold his face in your hands and squish his cheeks and feel his soft skin beneath my fingertips. For his lips to be on yours and make your stomach flip multiple times over. All of that ceased to exist since he went away and you missed it more than anything.

Whenever you called each other or facetimed, you'd pretend it was fine because you wanted nothing more than him to be happy. After all, he was living his dreams and the stories he had to share about it were really extraordinary. However, there was still that nagging at the back of your mind that told you those were experiences you should have been sharing literally together; not hundreds of miles apart. It tore you up inside out to live like that.

For a few days you'd been ignoring Michael's phone calls; hearing his voice through a crackled phone line just made the distance more prominent and it was too much to handle. He'd always text after asking why you hadn't picked up; and your responses were always vague and clearly dishonest. That didn't bother you, though. You couldn't tell him the truth because you didn't want to spoil all these good times for him. If he heard you cry, he'd hate himself for leaving you for so long. If there's anyone that should love themselves, it should be Michael, which is why you'd never give him a reason to doubt that. He was a fantastic boyfriend when he was there to be one.

Again, your phone vibrated endlessly and still you refused to answer. It had been going on for a couple of hours now. He'd not give up until he got to speak with you. Only you weren't sure if you could do this anymore. Was this relationship worth all the pain it was causing? Truthfully, you knew that you'd cave in to whatever apology or excuse Michael gave you when you finally answered for why he'd forgotten to call you for an entire week. Maybe you weren't the only one giving up; maybe he was too. The problem is neither of you were ready to address the problems this relationship was causing. How could anything be resolved that way?

Again, your phone rang but this time you decided to answer it.

"Y/N?" Michael's soft voice filtered through the phone. He sounded surprised that you'd answered.

"Yeah, I'm here." There was no sense of excitement like your tone usually held when you talked to him. What was there to be excited over? He was still thousands of miles away.

"Are you ok?" His voice quivered signalling that he wasn't ok at all.

"I..." You paused; contemplating the right thing to say. "No, I'm not." If you didn't say it then; you might never have said it.

"What's wrong, baby? Would you rather facetime? I mean I'd love to see that beautiful face of yours; it's been a while."

"No, Mike, I don't want you to see me like this. I'm not really sure I ever want you to see me again at all." Your words were like venom coursing through his veins.

"What are you trying to say y/n? What does that even mean?" It crushed you to hear him sound so defeated. But how could you lie to him about this anymore? The time had come to lay all the cards on the table; whether they hurt you both or not.

"I think we should break up." You were hardly convincing because you still weren't sure if that's what you wanted. At the same time, it could be for the best.

"No, y/n. Don't do this, I'm begging you." He was frantic and his fingers were practically yanking the hair out of his head. "Please, just facetime me; it might be easier that way to talk things through."

"I don't want you to see me this way, Mike. I just can't do it." Tears freely flowed down your cheeks. You weren't sure if you were more terrified about seeing him completely broken or if you didn't want to be the reason he was broken. It was probably both.

The phone line went dead and you panicked. By this point, you wouldn't be surprised if he hated you. Breaking up with him over the phone; how cruel did you have to be?


"It's no secret that the both of us
Are running out of time"

Your phone began to vibrate in your palm; and you relaxed when you saw it was Michael trying to facetime you. You could only pray that he didn't hate you.

You held your phone up to your face at a decent angle and clicked answer. Michael's face was ashen and his eyes were bloodshot and red rings circled them. How long had he been crying for? Your heart dropped at the sight of him.

"Y/N, please just hear me out." The desperation was oozing with every word. All he wanted was one chance to make everything right, but what if it was too late? Staying silent, you nodded for him to continue. "I love you, more than I've loved anyone else. And I know I've been a shitty boyfriend. I left you behind to chase my dreams, without realising that you were a part of those dreams. You were my new dream, y/n. Please, give me one more chance. I'll do anything; just don't leave me." His hands were violently shaking as he poured his heart out to you. He was so sincere; yet it still didn't change how you felt.

"I'm sorry Michael; I love you but this isn't working. The distance is fucking killing me and with each day you get further away from home... Further away from me. I know I'm being a selfish bitch, but not being able to actually be with you is tearing me in two." If only you could pretend like you could live without him... Even though you knew that you couldn't. You'd have to try to. Your phone slid out of your hand as sobs wracked your body. Quickly, you picked it back up while you still had some energy left in you. "It's over, I'm so sorry." You ended the facetime and then everything fell apart. The imaginary perfect world you'd become so accustom to was now crumbling around you. Inch by inch the walls came tumbling down as your heart smashed into millions of pieces. It was over. Everything that you'd both fought to keep alive; the love that you'd clung to was simply destroyed. A few words and the love of your life was no longer yours.

Michael lay on his hotel bed unable to move. His heart felt as if it had been stamped on repeatedly. He couldn't believe that you'd just broken up with him. The fact you couldn't even look at him while you broke up with him pissed him off. If you couldn't look him in the eyes and truly make him believe that it's what you wanted; then how could he give up on you? He'd never give up on you. In a few days he'd be heading home back to you. And come hell on high water he was going to fight for you until you gave him another chance. This love was worth fighting for; it was worth all of the endless effort and sleepless nights. He'd been a horrid boyfriend, and he knew that.

All of the distance and forgetting to call when he promised he would; he felt like a dick. He'd broken promise after promise because of his hectic and messy schedules. During all of that, he'd hardly made time for you... How could he blame you for wanting to call it quits? This was actually all of his fault. But he was willing to try and resolve this; he was going to make you feel like the Queen that you were because you deserved the universe and nothing less.   

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