His Little Princess [Ashton]

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"DADDY!" The tiny 4 year old came scampering down the hallway clutching onto her favourite teddy. She'd had it since she was a baby; a small, brown plush puppy and she loved it. Ashton appeared from behind the front door and set the shopping bags down. Bending down he held his arms open, and his baby girl ran into them instantly.

"Hey baby girl, how are you? I've missed you." He'd been gone barely an hour and a half to get some groceries, but no matter where he went or for how long, he always missed his little princess.

"Great! Look at puppy, she missed you too!" Your little girl started waving the dog in Ashton's face and he giggled a little. Standing up with Bella still in his arms, he stroked the toy dog and smiled so brightly.

"Hey pup!" He spoke to the dog which was really adorable. Pecking his daughter on the forehead, he placed her back on the floor to come and find you. He didn't have to look long because you were there the whole time watching the little scene unfold. Seeing your two favourite people together was enough to fill you with limitless happiness. "Hey beautiful, I got the shopping." Ash looked around his feet at the numerous shopping bags littering the laminate flooring in the hallway.

"I can see that, thanks babe. Help me unpack them?" You looked him in the eyes knowing he'd be unable to refuse you. He nodded slightly, still wearing the biggest smile in the world. Bella grabbed hold of Ashton's leg and hugged it hard. You looked at her with a quirked eyebrow, "Daddy's little girl. I can't say I'm surprised, you spoil her rotten." You kissed Ash's cheek before picking up a few of the carrier bags and lifting them to the kitchen.

Pulling things from the bags, you put them all on the bench in no particular order. Strong arms snaked around your waist and you couldn't help the smirk that played on your lips.

"You know love, I was thinking..." He paused to place kisses up your neck. "We could do something way better than unpacking the shopping." You could hear the seduction in his voice and it was making you want him so bad. Turning you round, Ashton placed his hands on your hips and his eyes were already undressing you. Honestly, it made you feel a little squirmy and his lips met yours with some considerable force. Neither of you had heard your daughter enter the kitchen.

"Yucky! Stop stop stop!" Her small protests were heard loud and clear as you both pulled away from each other instantly. You both laughed at the situation and had no idea how to explain it to your daughter, if and when she was to ask about it. She'd covered her eyes with her toy pup and she couldn't have looked any cuter. Before you could even think about going to her, Ashton had already scooped her in his arms. Rolling your eyes, you turned back towards the shopping. You thought Ashton hadn't seen you do that but he was behind you a couple of seconds later, hugging you with one arm and holding Bella in the other.

"I love you both so much. I don't even know how I got so lucky." He left kisses on both of your cheeks. After that, you spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking the shopping and watching countless Disney films.

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