Lovesick [Part 4 - Final]

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Hi everyone, the final part of Lovesick! This actually isn't a new imagine. I wrote it about 5 years ago now and it was always hiding in a different collection because Wattpad wouldn't let me add any more parts to this one!

Anyway, as you've likely noticed, I stopped writing imagines years ago. I realised I had other things I wanted to write and I'd outgrown the imagines phase. All I wanted to say was thank you for the immense support this imagines collection has been given over the years. I can't believe it even had 100 reads, nevermind over 90,000! 

This is likely to be the last time you'll ever hear from me on this account. I hope you all have brilliant lives and get to do everything you dream of. It was a wild ride, and now it's time for me to say goodbye. 

Best Wishes,

- Lucy xo


It was 1pm by the time you all arrived at Niall's apartment. Honestly, you weren't sure who was more nervous, you or Calum. Ashton and Michael were fairly calm and collected. At the end of the day, Niall was still your boyfriend so you were going to fix this.

Knocking on the door in your normal sequence, Niall recognised it instantly and was at the door within seconds. His hair was a complete tip and he just looked wrecked. Whether it was from lack of sleep or barely hearing from you in three days, he hadn't been coping well. As he opened the door, you greeted him with a timid smile but he pulled you into him.

"God (y/n) baby, I've missed you so much. I thought you hated me." You could hear the frantic edge to his voice.

"I could never hate you, Ni. Don't be silly." You gave him a peck on the cheek and his previously tense muscles relaxed under your touch.

When Niall finally let go of you, he pressed a kiss to your forehead. That's when he noticed the other boys standing there. His fists balled into fists at the sight of Calum.

"Niall..." You warned, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

"Why's he here?" He levelled his eyes with yours.

Sighing, you replied, "This is stupid. There's no need to start a fight. We need to talk; you, me, and Calum." You could see the hesitation in Niall's eyes and you nodded at him as reassurance.

"Come on in." Niall stood back inside the apartment and fully opened his door for you all to come in.

The front room was a mess; beer cans lay strewn on the coffee table and the bin was overflowing with food wrappers. It had been obvious you hadn't been here recently because it would have been spotlessly clean if you had been.

All of you sat down, Michael and Calum on the seats, Ashton on the floor, and Niall and you on the sofa. The awkwardness lingering in the air was fairly unpleasant. None of you even knew where to begin with this.

"I'm sorry for nearly knocking you out the other night, Cal." Niall began, the regret of his actions obvious in his voice.

"It's alright; I would've done the same in your position." Calum's eyes flashed to you as if he was considering being the winner of your affections. The pain in his eyes was evident, but you averted your gaze from his to avoid feeling any guiltier than you already did.

"How long have you felt that way towards y/n?" What the hell? Why was Niall even asking a question like that? What did it even matter now?

"About five months, I don't know exactly. All I know is that I... I have really strong feelings for her. I'm sorry, Niall, I didn't mean to fall for her. Trust me, I tried damn hard not to." He was going to say that he loved you. Well, that would've been a sure way to start another world war. Niall's arm tightened around you and you felt awkward. Again, you were stuck in the middle, and you really had no choice in the matter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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