Insecurity [Ashton]

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You'd always been insecure about your legs. Without a doubt, you believed they were the worst part of your body. Especially your thighs because you had come to the decision that they were too large. Some days you'd stand for so long just staring at them in the mirror and crucifying the appearance of them.

Ashton, your boyfriend, had always told you that no matter what, you'd always be perfect to him. Admittedly, your legs and bum were two of his favourite parts of your body. He'd never told you that though in case you were to claim that he was just a massive pervert. He knew you wouldn't believe him anyway, even if he was to tell you.

Ashton's band members were coming over today. You loved having them over because they were all close to you as well as Ashton. Michael, Luke and Calum were never ones to make a quiet entrance.

"ASHTON!" They all screamed before running at him and engulfing him in a group hug. To be honest, they were quite clingy with each other and it weirded Ashton out at times. Being the oldest member of the group, he naturally took quite a lot of control, but the boys would never let him have full control. Not a chance.

"Where's (y/n)?" Michael asked.

"In our room I think. (Y/N)? The boys are here!" Ashton shouted down the hallway to you.

"Coming!" You yelled back. Just as you clicked the door open you heard Ashton make a remark about you.

"She's probably staring at her legs in the mirror, that's all she ever does." All of the boys thought it was hilarious. That's the last thing you thought it was.

Your face fell as you slammed the bedroom door shut again. How could he even say that? Especially in front of the other boys when he knows how you feel.

Sitting the bed, you drag your knees up to your chin and begin to cry quietly. You knew he probably didn't mean it maliciously, but it came across that way to you.

The bedroom door clicked open and Ashton popped his head in. His face fell when he saw the state you were in.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why did you the slam the door before?" He sounded so concerned. It would've melted your heart a little if you weren't so infuriated at him.

"Are you kidding me? What's fucking wrong, Ashton Fletcher Irwin?" You never used his full name until you were ready to knock his lights out. He didn't dare come any closer to you. "She's probably staring at her legs, that's all she ever does." You mimicked his earlier statement and you could see the regret all over his face.

"Oh, sweetheart, I swear I never meant it like that. I was just joking with the lads." He made an attempt to come closer to you.

"Oh so my insecurities are just one massive joke to you are they?" You got up from the bed and stood directly in front of him. "God damn it, you know how they make me feel! I hate them. I hate most of myself! If I could change how I look don't you think I would?" You were a complete mess by this point and Ashton's heart was torn up. Without another word, he tugged you into a tight embrace.

"I can't understand how someone so beautiful could hate themselves so much." There was a confused tone to his voice as he dwelled over it. "No matter what, you'll always be the most beautiful girl on this planet to me. I love every single part of you, from your hair, all the way down to your toes. But then there's what's inside of you, your amazing personality and sense of humour. I never know how I got so lucky to be with a girl like you." You'd calmed down considerably when Ashton gave his sweetly spoken speech to you.

Looking up, you didn't even hesitate to crash your lips onto his. Your arms snaked around his neck as he held your waist and pulled you closer to him. One his hands slipped down to stroke your thigh and you moaned into his mouth.

Pulling away to catch a breathe, you came to remember that the other boys were in the other room and that brought this heated affair to a close.

"I love you." You'd been with Ashton for eight months now, and you knew it was the right time to say it.

Ashton didn't even hesitate to respond, "I love you, so much." His lips found their way to yours again and as much as you wanted this to go further, you both had to go and see the others.

"We need to go see the boys. They'll get suspicious, we've been away for a while." Ashton's fingers trailed down your cheek and he looked at you in complete awe.

"Later on, when they're all gone, I'm going to show you just how much I love you." The seductiveness lacing his every word made you want to forget about the others and just get to it now. Interlocking his fingers with yours, you pulled him towards the door even though you could tell he was reluctant to leave. "Oh and for the record, your legs and bum are two of my favourite parts of your body." You could feel his eyes trailing up and down your body. His other hand squeezed your butt cheek.

"Ashton! Stop!" You squealed. Running out of the room, he chased you into the living room where the other boys were lounging about watching some daft show on TV.

"Bloody hell, you've been half an hour. What the hell were you two doing?" Calum inquired.

"Well, wouldn't you just love to know." Ashton wiggled his eyebrows at him and you shoved him in the side.

"Give over, Ash. We were just talking."

"... And making out." Luke added on knowing exactly what you'd left out.

For the rest of the afternoon, you all sat watching movies while you were cuddled into Ashton. His teasing about what would be happening when everybody left had not faltered. When his teasing got put into action later on, it was a damn long night.

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