Cheater. [Ashton]

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A/N - So I wrote this last night really randomly. The whole thing kind of just came to me. Sorry, the title is kinda crappy but I hope the imagine isn't :)

Please let me know what you think!

If you wanna request an imagine [No Smut] comment below . Also, if you want a Part 2 for this imagine, comment saying so :-)


For some reason, you couldn't get rid of him. You'd sworn to yourself that it was the end and you wouldn't let him reel you back. God forbid you let him in again, but you couldn't help it. You'd held your resolve in tact for a while and everything was easier. Then your thoughts circled back to him in a vicious cycle. You could distract yourself for the shortest amounts of time but he'd always end up at the forefront of your mind. Once he was your muse; everything good in your life involved him and was him. And now, well, that simply wasn't the case. He'd roped you back in by never giving up on you, and you were strangled by his rope. Every time you tried to breathe, the rope became tighter and the stone covering your heart was twice as heavy.

He'd cheated on you. How could that be forgiven? As the saying goes, once a cheat always a cheat, right? Of course, he'd blamed it on drunkenness. He was drunk that night, very drunk. That doesn't excuse his actions, though. A man who claimed he loved you with every fibre of his being could so easily break your heart due to carelessness. Was the one night stand worth losing you?

No, it wasn't. Ashton had made a horrific mistake that evening. He couldn't lie to you about it happening, either. When he didn't come close to you in bed, or give you a gentle kiss that night it was all too obvious something was wrong. Even drunk, he'd always done those things. That's the problem when somebody knows you too well, they can pinpoint exactly when you're lying to them.

Questioning him about it the next morning was difficult. He tried to avoid answering by wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing the sweet spot on your neck. There was no way that trick was going to work on you. Truthfully, he felt disgusting. The disgust was purely directed towards himself and his actions the previous night. How could he hold you in his arms and pretend that he hadn't done something awful? How could he live with himself knowing he'd shatter the most beautiful, kind heart he'd ever come across? You were everything he'd ever wanted in another person. If he tried to list all the reasons he loved you, he'd be writing until the day he died. So, he tended to portray his feelings for you in songs.

When you spun round to face him, you'd noticed the shift is his demeanour. His shoulders slumped; and his smile disappeared. The sparkle in his eyes was gone and replaced by grief and regret. He knew he'd lose you once the truth came out and he began grieving before the words had even left his mouth.

"Y/N, last night something happened." He couldn't look you in the eyes as he spoke.

Concern filled you, "What is it? Are the others ok? Are you ok?" It had to be something terrible for Ashton to look this shaken about it.

"Everyone is fine. But I'm not sure we will be." His head was still hung low. The moment he tried to look at you, he knew everything would fall apart. You deserved the truth and a man who wouldn't be unfaithful to you. It'd be unfair for him to cling to you when he didn't deserve you.

Your forehead crinkled in confusion, "Ashton, what are you trying to tell me?"

"I slept with someone else last night." Quickly, you disconnected yourself from his arms. But no, it couldn't be true. He promised he'd never hurt you.

"Please tell me this is some sort of sick, twisted joke. It's not fucking funny, Ashton. Don't do this to me." The anger brought tears to your eyes.

"I wish it was. I'm so sorry." Sorry wasn't good enough. It never would be. You landed a hard slap to his face and he winced slightly. He chose not to try and stop you. After all, he deserved far worse than a slap. Any pain you wished to inflict on him, he'd take it. He'd inflicted a pain on you that he could never take away. Growing up his family had always joked on about how he'd be a heart-breaker; he just never imagined that yours would be one he'd break.

Fury completely wiped any rational thoughts you could have had, "Why, Ashton? What was so fantastic about her that you couldn't find in me? Were her boobs twice the size or her ass? Maybe she was just overall better looking. Was I not giving it to you enough? Was that it?" When you were met with a wall of silence, you raised your voice to a level you weren't even aware you could make it reach, "Fucking hell, answer me you bastard!" Tears had saturated your cheeks.

Finally, he looked up at you and the sight he'd feared was right before his eyes. There was no point trying to hold it together any more; he felt completely sick to his stomach and tears poured down his cheeks. "No, she was nothing. Nothing but a mistake. She wasn't you." He'd intended it as a compliment of sorts, but it couldn't have sounded much worse.

"No, she really wasn't me. At least that's one thing you got right. And now you've lost me. Congratulations, I hope she was worth it." Turning on your heel, you stormed towards your shared bedroom. Looking towards the bed made your stomach churn. The memories of long nights you'd spent together began to play in your mind. His delicate caresses setting your heart on fire, and his occasional roughness that made you want and need all of him. Now it just made you feel stupid for believing that he wasn't just hanging around for the sex. How'd you let him become everything to you? You should have known better than to think he could change. All the lies about you being his one and only were turning into distant memories.

Following you wouldn't have helped the situation, so he stayed put in the kitchen. He aimlessly stared at the clock hoping that by some miracle time would reverse. He'd never felt this shit before in his entire life and he had nobody to blame but himself.

Stomping out of the bedroom, you carried a heavy backpack and hurried towards the front door. You couldn't bare facing that piece of shit. Alarmed at the way you'd stormed out the room, Ashton rushed after you towards the door. One last chance to try and fix the damage he'd created. Deep down he knew it was far too late for that.

"Where are you going?" He reached out to touch you, but you recoiled immediately.

"Don't you dare touch me. Don't try ringing me. And don't try looking for me. In case you hadn't figured it out, we're over. For good." Without glancing back, you flung the door open and ran outside. He nearly shouted your name, or tried to beg you to come back. But there was no use trying any more.

Closing the door, Ashton slid down the back of it to the floor. His entire body was crumpled on the floor. He hated himself for losing the only thing that mattered to him. The only person he'd ever truly loved. "It was you, y/n. Only you." His whispered confession echoed in the empty space around him. The silence was deafening. His arms ached to hold you and feel your warmth. Instead of having your heartbroken expression etched into his mind, he wanted to see your bright smile again. He needed you back. He couldn't give up on you. Not a chance.

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