Forbidden Love [Luke]

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That was the last name that should have tumbled out of Luke's lips at that moment. The scream, that can only be described as a sexual moan, shouldn't have been your name. Of course, you were both being safe and this was something you'd been wanting to do for a long time now, but this was a forbidden love. It wasn't supposed to be discovered yet; you loved each other to the ends of the earth and back, but nobody knew. It was a secret you'd sworn to keep between yourselves and behind closed doors. So far it had gone exactly to plan and somehow, luckily, nobody had caught on to the fact you were in love with each other.

Ashton entered without warning and the door was almost ripped from its hinges. The fury emitting from his body language was terrifying. His stance was tense and rigid; his fists were closed to a tightness that made his knuckles turn white. You yelped in surprise at his sudden appearance.

"Get your fucking self away from my sister, Hemmings!" His eyes were firing daggers at Luke as he tumbled out of the bed. From day one, Ashton had made it perfectly clear to all the boys that you were off limits. No ifs, and no buts about it. The furthest they could go was a friendly hug and that was it. But this - this was beyond the proposed limits.

All the boundaries of not going too near you were destroyed by none other than Luke Hemmings. God knows you hadn't meant to fall in love with him, and he sure as hell didn't expect to fall in love with you either. It didn't happen suddenly; it took a few months before you both came to realise your feelings for each other. Luke had been stubborn at first and insisted that there was no way he could be with you; he'd made his oath to Ashton to be only friendly towards you and he couldn't break that oath. Then, his own desires took control. How could they not? You were intelligent, compassionate, and beautiful in ways that no one else could possibly know. 

Honestly, he never meant to take things so far with you before telling Ashton of his feelings for you. In fact, you'd even been discussing how to tell him with each other that very day. But when one thing lead to another; you couldn't hold back from exploring each others bodies anymore. You both wanted to be connected in a way that far surpassed the set boundaries. It's not like either of you were children anymore; this shouldn't have been as big of a deal as it turned out to be.

Ashton had Luke pinned up against the wall in his boxers with his arm pushed against his throat. This was mortifying. Michael, Calum and Ashton shouldn't have even been in the apartment at that time. They shouldn't have been home from clubbing until the early hours. But there they were, at 11pm all stood in Luke's bedroom. It was part of a perverted plan to record what was happening so they could use it against Luke at a later date. And, yes, it was Michael's wonderful idea to do so.

"Ash mate, please let me go." Luke gasped out short of breath. His face was beet red from horror and guilt; but also because Ashton was cutting off his air supply. Luke had sex many times before that night; he'd be lying if he said he hadn't. The difference was that this sex meant something to him, all those other girls were 'disposable'. You'd been disgusted when Luke had used that term to describe the girls he'd slept with previously. In fact, you'd stormed out of the apartment with an empty threat to never see him again.

"Women aren't objects, Luke. You can't just throw them out because you're bored of them or the sex isn't good enough. So what if these girls knew what they were getting themselves into? You shouldn't treat people like trash unless they're deserving of it. What about me, Luke? Am I disposable?"

You were hurt for a reason at the time that you couldn't bring yourself to admit to. Dammit, being in love with Luke was the last thing you wanted especially when he talked shit about women.

Beneath that misogynistic exterior, you knew of the loving and caring man that he kept a secret from the rest of the world. Truthfully, you were the only person that had seen that side of him since his first love. He'd sworn to protect himself at all costs from being scorned by another broken relationship. 

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