Transformation [Luke - Part 2]

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Luke hadn't been the same since that day. Literally, not just figuratively. He was dead. That was difficult enough to comprehend considering he was still breathing. You'd turned him into a vampire that day, and he loathed himself for it. Well, of course he loathed you too, but it was his fault for leaving the house that day. He should have seen the warning signs a hundred miles away and he stupidly chose to ignore them. The infatuation he'd felt for you in the bar that day had vanished now. Every time he saw your face; he wished you dead. Honestly, that was petrifying enough. He'd disliked people before, sure, who hasn't? But this was a hatred so deep that he felt no remorse at the thought of ripping your heart out. After all, an eye for an eye, right? Wrong. He'd never be able to defeat you.

You'd been trying to persuade him to side with you for weeks but he'd point blank refused. In fact, he'd barely been near you. His heightened senses alerted him of when you were in his general vicinity and he'd flee. Truthfully, it was pretty pathetic. If he so desperately wanted to kill you; why hadn't he done it already? Cowardice was the first option because he didn't want to face his fears. Admitting that he feared you made him feel like a complete fool. You were both of the same species now; why was he even afraid of you to begin with? Secondly, he was clinging onto the long-lost hope of not stooping to your level. He must have seemingly forgotten about all those innocent animals he killed so he could feed. He was already on your level whether he wanted to believe it or not. Apologizing to the animal for tearing open it's veins wasn't going to bring it back to life. He was a murderer.

It had been a while since you'd last been able to track him down, but you'd managed to find him again. Sitting on a wooden park bench looking absolutely horrific. The handsome features you'd originally pin-pointed such as his strong jawline; prominent cheek bones and ocean-like eyes were still there but were lifeless. He was almost more terrifying than you. It couldn't have been more obvious that he was starving. The insatiable thirst for blood couldn't kill him even if he wished it could. At least on his current diet of teeny bunnies it was. Good lord, if only you could give up on him - you really would. He was clearly a lost cause. But sadly, he was now your problem. You'd turned him and now you had to face the consequences.

"What's up, bunny boy?" You fell onto the bench next to him. It was surprising when he didn't speed off in the same moment. It was a bloody miracle.

Every fibre in his being was ignited with that hellish loathing. It took all his resilience to not snap your neck. "Fuck off." He was forceful and blunt. Why did you have to turn up every time he felt settled? He'd never get used to his new life, but he was learning to accept it. What choice did he have? He'd have to rip his own heart out in order to die, and he wasn't ready to kick the bucket yet.

Rolling your eyes, you inched ever so slightly closer to him, "Is that all you've got? Stop being so damn pathetic. I've let you be for weeks now and frankly, I'm tired of your shitty attitude. I want to help you Luke." It was a half-truth. Sure, you wanted to help him, but letting him die wouldn't have been terribly hard to do either. He was a pain in the ass.

For the first time since the bar he looked towards you - glared, actually. The initial attraction he'd shown you back then had been replaced by a firing inferno dancing in his eyes. Seriously, if you were mortal this particular look could've killed you. However, that didn't shift your current stance here - you were the alpha and he didn't frighten you. Not even slightly; he was far too weak against you. That's why you had to stifle a laugh when he looked at you like that.

For a few minutes he simply stayed glaring at you; all the words he itched to scream in your face were lodged in his throat. He sighed heavily, "Help me? Tell me how making me a monster could fucking help me?!" He sounded exhausted, and he was even if he didn't feel it. Being a vampire meant that sleeping wasn't necessary. Luke had slept a mere seventeen hours since he was turned a month prior to this meeting. The only reason he'd slept was due to his starvation. Otherwise, he'd have been able to stay awake all day and night. Not that it mattered, really. Since he was dead, what difference did sleeping make?

"Look, there's more to this than I can tell you about right now. There's a vampire society out there with the same hierarchical system as any other society. I can't take you into that society without training you first, it would be a suicide mission." For once you'd managed to tell the truth without dancing around it. It was a talent of yours to be able to evade the truth, but there was no point in doing that now. Luke would see right through it. After all, his lie-detecting ability was second to none since he'd become a vampire. Unlike when he was mortal with zero control over his own mind, you couldn't manipulate him into falling for your tricks anymore. So, you had no choice but to start from scratch with him. First lesson to learn: Trust.

Luke was silent a while before he piped up, "Suicide mission, huh? Sounds like my kinda gig." His snarky comment paired with his shit-eating smirk was infuriating. Your nerves were completely shot.

When you gripped hold of his throat with considerable force, Luke stiffened. The smirk had vanished in seconds. "You know what, I could snap your head straight off in the time it takes to take a single breath. Right now, I really fucking want to because you're downright infuriating. I held my cool for long enough, but now you're gunna listen to me, sunshine." The bitterness lacing your every word could chill every living being instantly. Fear was visible from Luke. Now that you were done playing nice, you were Satan's double. "If you die, then so do I and I'm not down for that. Every time we transform someone, it's written in our laws that we train them and keep them alive. I can't kill you because then the top dogs will hunt me down for all eternity which means I might as well be six feet under. And I will not die because of you. Do you understand me?" Luke weakly nodded still struggling under your steely grip. When you knew he was going nowhere any time soon, you let go of his neck and lounged against the bench.

This happened with most new recruits; it was a part of the transformation process. It was incredibly rare that someone requested to become a blood-sucking murderer. Those that requested this were the 'crazies', and as vampires, well, they were clinically insane. They were the ones you had to be constantly aware of because human blood could often not be strong enough for their tastes. Precisely why a selection of them moved onto draining their own. The Kingdom leaders were on a mission to eradicate them from this world, but they couldn't do it alone. Hence, the need of recruits. Although, recruits makes it sound as though they wished for this lifestyle to be thrust upon them. Realistically, that was not the case. They'd had no choice in the matter. Force or be forced; usually always the latter.

Luke glanced at you then, but without his usual malice. It was unusual for him to look... forgiving? Maybe it was more like understanding mingled with confusion. "What have you got to live for? Surely, all that you had is gone now. Why don't you want to die?" As personal as this question was, it was compulsory for you to answer honestly. This was going to encourage his faith and trust in you to rise. As much as you hated to admit it, you needed him. He was your first chosen recruit. There was no way you could fail each other.

This was your deepest secret, and one you never shared. The person who transformed you had never managed to get it out of you and they'd tried until their dying breath to figure it out. Sighing, you met Luke's gaze and whispered, "I'm a mother, and my baby boy is out there. He will always be my first priority. Regardless of whether he's with me or not." 

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