Drunk [Calum]

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Calum comes home from being on a night out, completely drunk. You wonder if he really knows where he is. He's shouting your name in a slurred manner and tripping over his own feet with every step he takes. You'd been asleep for over an hour; so to have him wake you up, especially with the state he was in, just pissed you off.

"Hey babe!" He slurred as you walk downstairs towards him, he's sat on the bottom step just staring up at you. His gaze was locked on you all the way down and his breath was caught in his throat. You couldn't help but find his reaction to you quite funny, regardless of how mad you were for being woken up.

"Really, Cal? It's like 4am, I was asleep." You tried your absolute best to sound miffed, even though you were dying to burst out laughing at his current state.

"You're so beautiful." He blurted out. You sat down next to him on the step and he leaned in towards you. His lips were leaving trails of kisses down your jawline.

Giggles erupted from you, "Ok you're so drunk, stop." As much as you wouldn't have minded having some 'fun' with Calum, you knew this wasn't really the right way to go about it. He was kind of sloppy at it when he was drunk anyway and the smell of alcohol was too strong to ignore. Pushing him back away from you, you said "Yeah well we are going to bed to sleep." His eyebrows raised. "Only to sleep, nothing else." His face dropped.

"Come on, you know you love it when I'm in between –" You cut him off, knowing exactly were he was planning on taking that comment.

"Ok shut your drunk ass up, and get to bed. You need sleep, not sex." The bluntness only spurred him on more.

"But what if I need both?" His fingers began to trace shapes on your thigh. Grabbing his hand, you pushed yourself off the floor and helped him up.

"You can have both, when you're not a drunken mess. Now come on Cal, I'm so tired get moving, I need sleep." You were exasperated by this point. Calum was such a pain when he was drunk, he couldn't help himself.

Thankfully, you both made it to bed even if Calum did fall twice on his way up the stairs. Clumsiness was a typical trait of his that was amplified by intoxication. Once you made it into bed, his arm naturally wrapped itself around your waist and a gentle kiss was placed on your shoulder.

"I love you." He whispered sweetly before dropping off into the deepest sleep. His hangover was going to be a killer in the morning, that you knew for sure.

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