The Split [Ashton]

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  The way the waves fizzle to nothingness on the shore was like the end of the relationship. The build up of the wave provided the most excitement. Sex, happiness, and at one point, love were all present during it. Then the wave crashed down and all of that was deceased. That's how it felt when your relationship with Ashton ended. Everything was great at the beginning; then it all took a sharp turn to the worst.

You'd been together for two years when the fights started breaking out. There was never any violence; just harsh words thrown around like knives. Each word laced with so much venom that it stung in your chest. If this was love; it wasn't worth fighting for anymore. It was saturated with regret, grief and pain from both of you. Where was the point?

Ashton had dialled your number several times; he wanted to apologise for all his wrong doing. Never did he want to hurt you in anyway or make you feel any less incredible than what you were. But he couldn't click the call button. Each time his thumb lingered over it and ended up going back to his home screen. He'd clung onto the hope of all your issues being resolved for so long that he didn't want to give up on your love; but he was starting to realise that there wasn't any other option. If it didn't end, all you'd do is continue to hurt each other when all he wanted was for you to be happy.

You'd been at your mom's for a few days now trying to work through all the problems in your mind. It was useless. You didn't even know where to begin because there was so many problems. It crushed you to know that the only kind option was to end all of this. But could you even bare to live without Ashton? He was the love of your life. Maybe this was just a bump in the road? Maybe you'd be able to work through it? Truthfully, you just didn't know any more.

"Y/N?" Your mom's voice was so gentle; almost as if she was afraid anything harsher would make you snap. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." The bedroom door clicked open and your mom stepped in. She looked at you in despair. She didn't know how to handle the situation because there was nothing she could say or do that would make any of this better. Sitting down on the edge of your bed, she opened her arms out to you and you gratefully fell into them. This was the first time you'd let her be with you since you arrived back home. "Mom, I still love him. I don't know what to do." Then you sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed. The endless flow of tears just kept coming as your body was racked from the loss of Ashton. He wasn't gone, but he wasn't with you either. He hadn't been for a while.

"Then, what do you want to do? What do you feel would be the right thing?" Your mom questioned.

Your head sunk into your hands, "I want to be with him, mom. I need to be. He's the one."

"If that's what your heart is telling you to do; then do it. Instead of second guessing it, I know how much you love each other. You just need to talk about your problems." She stroked your hair back from your face, and kissed your cheek. "Don't worry, this will all blow over."

For a while longer, your mom sat and cuddled you. Your heart felt lonelier than ever. Where was Ashton? What was he doing? Did he feel the same as you?


Another few hours went by before you could even dial Ashton's number. You'd spent so long considering what would be the right thing to say that you'd concluded you were just going to wing it. There wasn't any other choice left.

Your hands lightly shook as you tapped the call button. The first ring hadn't even finished before he answered.

"Y/N?" He sounded surprised.

"Yeah, Ash, it's me." As if it was going to be anybody else.

He sighed, "I thought you'd never call."

"Neither did I." At least, for once, you were being honest with each other.

"Look, I don't want to just give up on us. I can't, y/n. I love you too much to let you go. I know I've been a complete dick recently, and I guess I wouldn't blame you if you couldn't forgive me." He was nervous. What if you refused him? You had every right to, though. He'd said so much stupid shit to hurt you whilst arguing. You didn't deserve any of it.

"I've been thinking a lot and I feel the same. But this is the last chance, if either of us fuck this up it's got to be the end." A weight lifted off your shoulders. Finally, things had been resolved.

"Do you still love me?" How could he even think otherwise?

"Of course, Ashton. I'll always love you." He let out a breath he'd been holding once you said that.

"Please come home? I miss you." He knew how to make your heart melt. The way Ashton was being with you now reminded you of why you'd fallen in love with him to begin with. Now, more than ever, you wanted to be with him because then you'd really be home.

"I'm on my way." A smile brightened up your face and your heart was racing. You couldn't have been any happier to be going home. Maybe it's true; maybe absence does make the heart grow fonder.  

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