Your Time Is Up [Luke]

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Anonymous said: Can you do one where you and luke dated but then broke up and now you're married to Stephen Curry and have a daughter (Riley Curry) and he wants to get back together with you but you're happy with Steph

A/N - That was an anon request I got from someone on tumblr :) Ngl, it was a random choice of person to be with but hey, I live to please. So, hopefully you enjoy it.

P.S. I had to google who he was, oops. Let me know what you think in the comments :)


The tiny toddler came scurrying towards you with open arms. "Mommy" Riley exclaimed as she bumped into your leg. Her dark curly hair was being rubbed against your leg; it was somewhat strange, you couldn't lie about that. She'd been stating for days how she wanted to be a kitten, and you didn't stop her because that's how children learn. Hell, so long as she was happy she could be a vampire if she wanted to be. Lifting her into yours arms, she immediately licked your cheek.

You giggled, "Riley, stop that. You can't go around licking people!" This was immediately met with defiance.

"But mommy, you let me lick your face. So where's the problem?" She had an answer for everything.

"I'm your mom, I love you no matter what. Other people will probably not be as accepting and loving if you lick them." Raising your eyebrows at her, she huffed in defeat. A smirk formed on your lips and you placed a kiss to her cheek. She'd grow out of this phase eventually.

You'd been married to Stephen Curry, American basketball player, for three years now and it had filled your life with joy. Firstly, you knew that the love you felt for each other was special, it was different to the other kinds of love you'd experienced - and with the arrival of Riley, that was amplified. Then there was Riley, the cutest 4-year old in existence with the sweetest smile, and beautiful blue eyes. She had stolen your heart from day one and she was everything to you. There was never a dull moment when she was around, and thankfully, that was all the time. The family you had was a blessing, and even though there was distance between you sometimes that only made the bond grow stronger. At the moment, Stephen was away at training camp for a week and it was just you and Riley in the house. The maid, Julia, was around as well. Julia worked tirelessly and honestly, you felt for her and always made sure to help out as much as you could when you didn't have to devote your attention to Riley. You knew she was paid to do all the house chores, but you couldn't leave her to do it all by herself with how huge the house was.

The doorbell sounded and you placed Riley on the floor. Her little feet scampered excitedly to go and open the door. She'd become the official guest greeter recently; she was such a bubbly and confident little girl. Opening the door, she stood back from it and looked puzzled. Usually, the only people who did fleeting visits were family members and security at the gates into the properties grounds were aware of who they were.

"Mommy, who is this man?" Riley inquired with her head tipped to one side. Panic rose in you; what the hell were paparazzi doing at your front door?

"Riley, love, move away from the door." She pulled the door open further and you stopped dead in your tracks. Luke Hemmings, ex-boyfriend and famous band member, was poised on your doorstep. Riley noticed the sudden change in your mood and rushed over to tug the bottom of your dress.

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