Lovesick [Part 3]

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Stirring in your sleep, you eventually woke up and stretched out your limbs. Sunlight was pouring in through the windows and you shifted to sit up in the bed. You'd been staying at Ashton's for a few days now, but you knew things with Calum and Niall had to be sorted out today. Ashton had been amazing the whole time you'd stayed with him. He'd made you breakfast in the mornings, sat and watched silly rom-coms with you, and even played a couple of video games. He enjoyed having some company in the apartment because after his girlfriend left him a few months before he'd been so lonely. Although, he'd never admitted that to anyone and pretended everything was fine.

Getting up from the bed in the chest room, you languidly walked to the kitchen where the smell of pancakes was emitting from. He was a decent little cook as far as you could tell. You found that kind of unusual considering the rest of the boys always mocked him for his lack of cooking ability. Maybe they'd just never seen this side of him.

"Morning Ash." You mumbled as you collapsed onto one of the kitchen seats.

"Morning (y/n), how you feeling?" He was always quite chirpy on a morning.

You sighed before responding, "I don't really know." Your eyes locked onto the table and Ashton turned the hobs off on the cooker to come and sit with you. You'd never really told Ashton how you really feel about everything. It's not that you didn't feel comfortable telling him, you did, you just didn't want to burden him with all your feelings. He had plenty of his own to deal with.

Plating up breakfast, he placed your plate down carefully in front of you. Honestly, this amount of kindness from Ashton really confused you. You knew he was a lovely person, but cooking your breakfast every morning and everything just felt like he was going a bit overboard.

"Hey Ash, can I ask you something?" You inquired whilst resting your chin on the backs of your hands. Ashton looked at you with a little smile while digging into his breakfast and nodding. "Why are you doing all this for me? I mean the cooked breakfasts every morning, the movie afternoons, and endless tubs of ice cream. Why?" You didn't say it harshly, just quizzically. Niall had done things like this for a lot of the time, but the difference was you were actually dating him.

Ashton dropped his knife and fork down onto the table and looked you in the eyes. Sighing he began to form a response, "I miss her." You knew he was referring to his ex, he didn't need to say her name. "I used to have someone to wake up with, someone to cuddle when I was down and someone to do all these things for, but she's gone. She's with another guy and happier without me." He looked down at the table and you knew he was trying so hard not to break down in front of you. He loved that girl like he'd never loved anybody else so when she dumped him for somebody else, his heart smashed into millions of tiny pieces. He was bitter towards her for the first month or so, but eventually, he understood that he only hated her because he loved her so much. She was his first proper love and she ruined him.

Taking his hand in yours, you gave it a gentle squeeze and he gave a tiny smile. Your heart was breaking seeing him like because you were so used to Ashton being the happy, smiley one. "It's ok to cry Ashton, I know you're hurting." He gave your hand a gentle squeeze back.

"You know, you have two amazing people who are so willing to fight for you. I just wish somebody wanted to fight for my love like they're fighting for yours." The sincerity of his voice shocked you a little. You knew that had been playing on his mind before he said it.

"Ashton, it's not really like that."

"But it is like that, (y/n)!" He thumped a balled fist onto the tabletop and you jumped back away from him. Realising he'd scared you he shook his head, "Sorry... I didn't mean to do that. Just please try to not hurt either of the lads, they mean a lot to me and I know they mean a lot to you too. I don't want either of them to have to hurt like I do." You knew that once everything had settled between you, Niall, and Calum that you'd all have to come up with a way to make Ashton feel better.

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