"Please, Stay" [Michael]

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Tonight was yours and Michael's first date. You'd been constantly talking to one another for months on end via text, phone calls and skype. Also, when he was in town with the band you'd go out together, but those had never been 'proper' dates. They were classed a 'friendly outings' because neither of you were ready to label it as anything romantic yet. Michael had plucked up the courage and asked you over to his house for dinner a week ago. 'Dinner' meaning date because he'd officially labelled it that. You'd had feelings for him for months, so to know he was finally feeling the same way was a relief, and a blessing. Out of all the girls in the world he could have chosen; he chose you. That was really special to you because of how famous he was, he saw hundreds to thousands of girls at his concerts every day. Yet, none of them had captured his mind like you had. Most of the time you were his every thought, and your phone calls were his favourite times of the day. He'd known for a long time that the feelings that he had for you were far from friendly, but he didn't want to rush anything. He'd rushed into things so many times before, and they'd all gone horribly wrong. This time, he was going to do it right and this date was the first step.

Arriving at his house at 7pm, you knocked lightly on the door. The nerves were building and when the door was opened the butterflies in your stomach were erratic. His hair was styled perfectly, there were no fly away strands to be seen and he was wearing his normal attire; black skinny jeans and a vest top.

"Come in, y/n." He pulled the door open further and led you into the dining room. Your eyes went wide at the amount of effort that had been put into the decoration. White china and silver cutlery were laid out like they would in a restaurant on top of a red tablecloth that was covered in white rose petals. A single, tall candle burned in the centre of the table. It was quite a break-taking sight; he'd really went the full way for this.

"Holy shit, Mike, this is beautiful. It's far too much, it's only me!" A grin spread across your lips, and Michael felt his heart leap with joy to see you so happy.

"You're worth all of this, and so much more." The sincerity in his voice could have knocked you off your feet; you were touched to think he thought so highly of you. You didn't really think you were all that deserving of such affection, but Michael thought you were more than worthy of it.

"Who knew you had such a romantic side, huh?" You nudged his side and he giggled in response.

"Well, now you know." His cheeks burned red. Pulling out your chair for you, you sat down and he pushed you in. "I'm gunna go get our dinner, I'll be back in a minute." He was so nervous, and you could tell. His mum had helped him cook the meal, admittedly. Without her, this would've been such a disaster. He arrived back at the table a couple of minutes later, "M'lady." He placed the plate of food in front of you. Honestly, you were dreading eating the meal. It had been laid out so nicely on the plate, but you were going to fuck it up. You'd always had an eating habit where you had to separate all the food items on your plate before you eat them. Otherwise, you wouldn't eat anything at all. Michael hadn't become fully aware of this yet; he'd seen you do it twice before but just brushed it off as you being uncomfortable eating around others. But then he noticed you doing it this time; separating the fries, the peas, carrots and chicken away from each other into separate piles. The concentration on your face made him smirk.

You caught him staring and your cheeks flared bright red, "God, I'm sorry. I don't know why I do it." You were embarrassed because you thought he'd found it weird with him staring at you. Only, he didn't find it weird at all; he found it adorable.

"Y/N?" He spoke, and your eyes flicked up from your plate where you continued to separate the foods. "You don't have to apologise, it's adorable." That was the first time anyone had ever complimented the bizarre eating habit you'd acquired since you were little. Your mum scolded you for it, but you couldn't help it.

You quirked your eyebrow, "Adorable? I don't know, I mean I've just done it for so long it's just become like second nature. It's weirder than anything, to be honest, like I won't eat anything if I don't do it." You couldn't even look him in the eye when you said. You weren't really sure why, but you cringed because you felt uncomfortable in the knowledge that someone else knew your secret.

"Babe, stop worrying. It's honestly not weird, and if it helps you to eat then do what you want with your food. I'd rather you be happy, then make yourself suffer over something that doesn't change my feelings for you." You'd went bug-eyed when he called you 'babe'... He'd never called you that before. It was a foreign concept to have him give you cute nicknames.

"I'm your babe now, then?" You couldn't help the smirk that graced your lips.

He returned the smirk, "If you want to be." The sexual tension was starting to increase between the two of you. Not wanting to rush things, you both suppressed them even though you wanted nothing more than your lips against his.

Looking back down at your plate, you ate your food in between giggling at Michael and a lot of flirting. Once you'd both finished your meals, Michael suggested watching some films and you happily agreed. The date had been perfect so far, and had gone exactly the way you'd both hoped it would. You weren't even sure why you were so nervous; it was only Michael. The near relationship part was what had thrown you off kilter. You'd been single for so long that you'd forgotten how to be with another person, in that way. But Michael made you feel so at ease that the longer you spent together, the less time you had to worry about how to react towards his subtle but romantic advances. He'd been waiting to sweep you off your feet for a long time now, and to finally have you with him in this blissful situation was a dream to him. He couldn't believe how lucky he was.

After hours of watching movies, you'd fallen asleep on his chest with his arm wrapped protectively around you. Instead of sleeping himself, Michael just stayed awake to hold you and admire how peaceful you were sleeping. You'd gone from a whirlwind of crazy (in a good way) into a sea of calm and the transition was mesmerising in its own way. Stirring in your sleep, you lifted your head up to readjust to your surroundings. Panic flooded through you, "oh my god, I need to go home." You blurted out, shooting upright from your previous position. You'd just turned to walk towards the front door when Michael grabbed hold of your hand gently and tugged you back to face him.

"Please, stay." He didn't mean it as a sexual advance; he sounded like he was pleading, actually. He just wanted you with him for as long as humanely possible. His whole body had sunk when you left his embrace, and he felt a little empty. It was strange for him to be dependent on another person for his happiness.

"What if your parents come home?" You couldn't deny that you wanted to stay with him.

"I'll sleep on the sofa, and you can have my bed." The hint of desperation in his eyes was strangely heart-warming. He really wanted you here, and to be with him. Nobody had ever been so affectionate towards you before. You finally nodded and Michael's face lit up, "I'll lend you some of my clothes to sleep in." Both of you plodded sleepily towards his room, and he automatically went to gather some of his clothes for you. He handed you a band shirt and a pair of boxers, you thanked him and got changed in the en suite bathroom. When you stepped back into his room, Michael's eyes went wide and his mouth slightly ajar.

"What's wrong, Mike?" His eyes hadn't stopped scanning your body, but it didn't make you feel uncomfortable.

"I, uh, nothing. You just look really hot in my clothes." Everything he said was rushed and rambled.

Your cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, "Thanks, I guess?" It was a pretty lame response, but you were quite flabbergasted by his reaction. Stepping closer to you, Michael closed the distance between you and placed a delicate kiss onto your forehead.

"Goodnight, babe." The intensity of the look in his eyes set your heart fluttering wildly in your chest. You couldn't take it anymore and hastily pressed your lips against his. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you in closer to him. The kiss was passionate, but soft and it wasn't rushed. You both took time to get used to the feeling of kissing each other. When you both pulled away, Michael still held you close.

"Goodnight, Michael." You barely managed to whisper, still a little breathless from all the kissing. A final fleeting kiss was shared between you, and then Michael headed back to the front room. The kiss had left you reeling and ecstatic. It took hours of twisting and turning until you fell asleep, with the feeling of his lips still setting your heart alight. It had been the perfect first date.

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