Problematic Period [Calum]

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This was the one week of every month you dreaded more than anything... Your period was getting ready to kick up a fuss. It was fast approaching and you knew it. The awful tiredness, mood swings like that of Satan and completely over the top about everything. Yes, it was definitely starting soon and today, it gave you the biggest mood swing in history.

You'd woken up later than usual, 9am, but felt happier and ready to face the day. You danced around the apartment to all your favourite songs and sang at the top of your lungs. You were in an unusually overly happy mood.

For a while you tidied around the apartment until you decided to start getting ready for work. Work, ugh, it always crept up on you and made a bright day dull. Honestly, your job wasn't horrific and the pay was ok, but you just wanted more out of life than to be an office secretary. Talking on the phone to people and doing tonnes of paperwork was never really up your street. But, you had to find a way to help pay the bills. Your long-term boyfriend, Calum, had been living with you for three years now so he paid half on the bills as well. Only he was a worldwide famous star with pockets loaded with money... He was living his dream while you were off doing a normal person routine. To be honest, you envied Calum being able to live his dreams because god, how you wished you could to. You'd longed to be a writer since you first put pen to paper, but it was just a far off fantasy. You didn't have much time to write anymore and a part you missed it more than you could bare to admit to.

After twenty minutes of looking for your work blouse, you finally began to lose your temper. It was absolutely nowhere to be found. It wasn't in the laundry basket, the washing machine or anywhere in your bedroom. Sighing heavily, you continued stomping around the apartment in your quest to find it. The longer you looked the more sour your mood became.

Unfortunately for Calum, you were in absolutely no mood for people today, not even him. So when he entered the apartment at 10am, he wasn't prepared for your wrath at all.

"Hey babe, how're you --- what the hell?" Calum inquired as he glanced around the messed up living room. By this point, you'd even went as far as to look under the sofa cushions.

"Calum Thomas Hood, get in here right now!" You yelled from the kitchen. You never called him by his full name unless you were in a serious huff with him. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and worriedly made it into the kitchen. His eyes nearly fell out his sockets when he saw the mess you'd created.

"What the fuck (y/n)? Why have you destroyed the apartment?!" Calum's anger was starting to boil.

"Where is my fucking work blouse? You done the laundry the other day, where is it? I've looked for it absolutely everywhere and it's fucking nowhere, Calum, no-where!" You were infuriated as you pushed past him going back to your mad hunt. You still had two hours to get to work, so you weren't in too much of a rush. But in your current state, you were freaking out about running out of time and your head was ready to explode.

Calum's hand wrapped around your wrist as he spun you round. "Is all this seriously over a blouse?" He was struggling to stifle a laugh.

"It's not funny Calum, for fuck sake is everything just one massive joke to you?!" You spat back. Just by looking at him you could feel your anger soothing, and turn into sexual frustration.

"No... It isn't. Are you ok?" He'd noticed the sudden change in your mood, but didn't know exactly what was going on. That was until you passionately kissed him, of course. Confusion struck inside his mind but he caved in to your touch. Within seconds, your top was on the other side of the kitchen leaving you in your bra and PJ shorts. Calum grabbed your hips and lifted you onto the kitchen counter before kissing from your lips, to behind your ear, then to your neck. God damn it, you were horny and so ready for it.

Just as things were starting to go the full way, your stomach twisted into a knot... An extremely painful knot. You groaned out, but Cal was unaware that it wasn't because he was showering you with love bites. It was because you felt like you were getting brutally stabbed in the uterus.

"Cal, stop." You felt the tears sting your eyes and Calum immediately pulled away.

"Shit, have I hurt you? God I'm so --" His concern over hurting you was absolutely adorable.

"No, Cal, you haven't. It's just that, well..." You glanced downwards with one of your arms wrapping around your stomach. His mouth opened into an 'O' shape when he realised what you were trying to say. Embarrassment coursed through your body and your cheeks burned red.

"Baby, you don't need to be embarrassed, it's ok." He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "It sure explains your mood swings these last couple of days." You had to admit you'd been kind of a bitch recently because of it.

"Sorry." You whispered out as tears slid down your cheeks.

"What are you crying for?" He didn't say it harshly; he just seriously didn't understand what was going on with you. You didn't even understand it really.

"I don't even know." Your head dropped onto his shoulder as your tears hit the shoulder of his shirt.

"Shh, it's ok. How about you just skip work today, I'll call you in sick ok?" Luckily, you got paid for sick days, so you could afford to miss one day of work.

"Would you really do that for me?" You looked him in the eyes.

"Of course I will. Is there anything else you need?" He was so caring. The best boyfriend in the world by miles.

"Pain killers, please."

"No problem, I'll get them while you go get the blankets and pillows so we can cuddle on the sofa. I won't be long, I'll ring work for you. Now go get everything set up!" Lifting you off the kitchen counter, he placed you securely on your feet before pecking your cheek.

Once you were settled on the sofa, Calum came to join you with a tub of your favourite ice cream and put on your favourite film. He got onto the sofa behind you and wrapped his arm around your stomach.

"You know when your periods finished; I'm going to finish what you started in the kitchen." The seductive edge to his voice was a serious turn on.

"Calum." You moaned.


"Stop making me want you when I can't have you. It's hard enough as it is!" Calum's chest vibrated against your back as he burst into laughter.

"That bad, huh?" He joked.

"You have no idea."

"Sorry." With that, he kissed the sweet spot on the back of your neck to tease you a little more. You were ready to ring his neck for being a dick.

"Give it a rest!" You elbowed his stomach and he grunted slightly.

"Ok, ok... I love you." He said it so softly and affectionately your heart thumped in your chest. Of course he'd said it before, but you were surprised by the randomness of it this time around.

"I love you, Cal." For a little while after that you made out on the couch before getting back to watching the film. It was already half the way through but you didn't really care so long as you had Calum, everything was ok.

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