Lovesick [Part 2]

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"What?!" Niall couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. You pushed your way past Niall into the front room and stood in front of Luke and Ashton.

"How long have you known?" You glared at them both.

"About what?" They both held the same confused expression.

"Calum being in love with me." You decided being blunt was the only option you had. Both of them shifted uneasily in their seats. "Tell me!" You didn't know why but you were starting to become furious at the lack of response.

"A few months." Luke blurted out. "He told me when he was drunk."

"Oh and that's really supposed to help is it?!" You hated snapping at Luke, he was one of your closest friends. But he couldn't just sit there and act like this was all ok when it couldn't be further from it.

"No, I guess not. Where's Calum?" He inquired. Ashton had been awfully quiet; he'd never been a fan of arguments.

"He left after he made his greatest confession of all time. I guess he's at Michael's place." You knew Calum wouldn't want to be alone after that.

"What about Niall?" The last time you'd seen Niall was in the hallway and he hadn't followed you into the living room.

"He was in the hall, maybe the kitchen?" The fact you were so unsure of his whereabouts made the two boys anxious. They knew about how badly Niall's jealousy could affect him where you were concerned.

All of you decided to go and check for Niall. He definitely wasn't in the hallway anymore. Reaching the kitchen, you pushed open the door and there was no sign of him. Your panic alarms started ringing in your head. Rushing back into the hallway, you checked for his car keys on the table and his leather jacket on the rack. Both were gone.

"I think I know where he is." The realisation hit you and scared you to death. You knew what Niall could be like in a temper, but he'd be far worse than in a temper over this revelation.

"Yeah, same. We best get going." The two boys rushed out the door with you closely following behind them. You locked the front door with the spare key and hurried after them to Ashton's car. You were all becoming extremely frantic by now and Ashton was flooring the speed limit.

When you arrived outside of Michael's apartment the door was wide open.
"Come on then, if you're so big with all these words. Why don't you get the fuck out here and fight like a man?!" Niall's voice could've been heard a thousand miles away and honestly, it was terrifying. This was your fault at the end of the day and you had to solve it. You went to take a step inside but Luke pushed you back.
"Let me go in first yeah?" He tried to give you a little smile of reassurance, but you knew he wasn't feeling all that great about it either. You all took cautious steps inside the apartment.

Michael was stood next to Niall begging him to stop yelling and asking for a fight. Just as you were about to intervene, the door to the room Niall was standing outside of cracked open.

"Go ahead Niall, beat me up. You can't hurt an already broken man." Calum's words flared up Niall's rage to a whole new level and he punched Cal squarely in the jaw.

"NO!" You screeched. But Niall refused to acknowledge you and hit Calum again, this time in the eye.
Luke moved forward this time and stood between the two of them.

"You try to hit him one more time and I'm sorry Niall but I'll have to kick the shit out of you." Luke's voice was calm, but you knew he was silently praying that Niall wouldn't try anything else. Tears were streaming down your cheeks and Ashton wrapped you in his arms.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok." He was soothingly stroking your hair. You hated all of this. Pulling back from Ashton you went to get closer to Niall. But for the first time ever, you were frightened even though you knew he'd never hurt you. His fists were still clenched when you approached him.

"This needs to stop." You spoke finally, holding onto Niall's arm. You felt his muscles relax beneath your hand.

He turned to face you and saw the terror in your eyes. He knew it was it his fault and it broke him in two. Never did he want to scare you so terribly. "I'm so sorry baby, I just..." He trailed off unable to hide his guilt.

"I know Ni, but I can't let this happen. You're supposed to be like brothers, but you're fighting like enemies. And it's my entire fault. I need a couple of days alone." You weren't angry or afraid anymore, you just felt numb to any emotion. What had you caused here? A hand rested on your shoulder and you turned to see Ashton behind you.

"You want to stay at mine? I have the spare room if you want it?" He looked so disheartened by everything that was happening. It almost felt like he needed you more than you needed him. As much as you would've rather gone elsewhere, just to prevent any potential hassle, you nodded.

"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks." There was an awkwardness lingering in the air and you wanted to leave the apartment quickly. "Niall, you're gonna have to leave the apartment. I can't leave you in here with Calum because as soon as I leave, I'm scared you'll hurt him again. So, please, for me, just go now before I do." You could see the reluctance in Niall's expression, but he gave in to your request. He felt like crap because of how much he'd scared you. He loved you more than anyone, and to see you look so afraid of him was worse than being shot in the head. Quickly, he pecked your lips before leaving the apartment and heading back home.

Turning to face Calum, you could see his burst lip and you felt awful. There's no way you weren't going to help him when he got punched because of you. Although, he was partly to blame, how could you be angry with someone for having feelings? It's all about being human.

Stepping towards him, he went to shut his bedroom door but you wedged your foot in it.

"Cal, I know things are kind of weird between us at the minute, but your lip needs medical attention so, come out and I'll help you out." You could hear shuffling from behind the door and a few seconds later Calum reappeared. His eyes were horridly bloodshot and his lips were still bleeding quite badly. "Oh god, I'm—" Calum interrupted you.

"Save your sympathy." He retorted aggressively. "I can look after myself." And with that, he shut the door in your face. You were shocked; you couldn't really understand why he'd just done that. One minute he's all for waiting for you and loving you and whatnot. Then the next, he's making it out like you killed his mother. What on earth?

Deciding it was best just to let it go, you traipsed towards Ashton who reached his hand out to gently rub your arm.

"It's ok; I know it's hard on you too. We best go get your stuff then head to mine yeah?" Ashton was so caring, just like a brother to you. Even though a part of him resented you a little for hurting his best friend so badly, he knew you couldn't be to blame for it in the end. You were none the wiser to Calum being so madly in love with you. You were like a sister to him, so he would always look out for you too, no matter what.

You and Ashton gave Michael and Luke hugs goodbye, but the tension in the air was still thick enough to cut with a knife. All of you hated things being this way, but there was nothing left any of you could do but until the storm settled. It could take days or months, but you'd all become closer at the end of it. At least, that's what you all hoped for anyway. 

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