I Miss You [Luke]

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Don't waste your time on me you're already 

The voice inside my head (I miss you, I miss you)

"Luke, mate, wake up." Ashton was lightly shaking his arm to awaken him from his deep slumber. Luke always slept like a damn log, making him almost impossible to wake up. He'd been crying in his sleep for the fourth time this week. He'd cried every single night and not just in his sleep. 

His heart was just incomplete without you on it, and now with him touring, everything was so much worse. Thousands of miles apart, and the heart only grew fonder. Or in his case, his heart only grew weaker. 

He'd left for the tour on bad terms with you, and he'd tried ringing you and texting you multiple times over, but you ignored him. Rightly so, he'd been a major dickhead. He knew that now, but he knew he'd come close to ruining everything the two of you had. 


"Y/N?!" Luke bellowed from the front door.

"Yes?" You appeared from behind the living room door looking somewhat dishevelled from being awoken from your sleep. You'd been waiting up for him coming in all night; it was now 4pm, the following day. To be honest, you liked him going out and seeing his friends, but not when it kept you up all hours. The longer he was out, the more you worried and pissed you off. He knew you waited up for him. Be back soon, he'd stated the previous evening at 8pm.

"Oh, I didn't think you'd be awake." Getting closer, you could smell the reek of alcohol lingering off him. Jesus Christ, how much had he drunk? "You know you're beautiful right? You're like a damn goddess." By the sounds of things, he'd had a lot more than usual.

"Well, this goddess is going to fucking shoot you in a minute." The sourness behind your words startled Luke in his drunken state.

"Aw babe, lighten up! It's only..." His eyes squinted to the clock on the wall which he could not read to save his life. "2am." You would've nearly died from laughter were you not cranky as hell and completely hacked off with him. He tried to lace his arms around you, but you shoved them away.

"I have been up all damn night, Luke! And 2am are you fucking serious? How much exactly have you had to drink? It's actually 4pm, you've been out nearly a day! A fucking day! You know what, don't even come near me. I don't know how you dare." The temptation to spit in his face was burning inside of you. Alongside was the temptation to throttle him to death.

"Baby, come on please." His pout wasn't going to work on you today. Turning on your heel, you walked back into the living room and slammed the door. Damn, why did he have to do this to you? Seriously, you were more worried than anything. He could've been mugged or anything and you never would've known. Luke didn't follow you into the living room; he knew he was in deep shit. Instead, he stumbled his way to the bedroom and flopped onto the bed. Within seconds, he was out like a light and snoring quietly.

A couple of hours later, your phone was buzzing like there was no tomorrow. Message after message flooded your phone screen and panic took over you. What the hell was going on?

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