His Favourite Lad [Michael]

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Both cars sped around the bend in the road and crashed into each other, sending them flying off the course.

"Daddy! Not fair!" Your four year old son squealed in disappointment. His tiny arms folded across his chest and he pouted at Michael. It was difficult for Michael to hold back his laughter when his son looked so adorable when he went in a huff. You came rushing into the room after hearing your son's yells.

"What's going on?" You were a little frantic, although you knew there was nothing really to worry about. Elliot waddled over to you and wrapped his arms around your left leg.

"Daddy is a cheat!" Whenever Michael and Elliot played video games, it always ended up turning out like this. It was Michael's fault; he enjoyed teasing his little boy which caused him to have a temper.

Michael put his arms in the air in surrender, "I didn't do a thing!" But you could tell by the smirk playing on his lips that he'd definitely done something. Looking up at the TV screen, you'd seen the game had been paused and you knew they'd been playing Mario Kart. You'd strictly forbidden the playing of any games involving shooting and other profanities around your son. You were extremely protective of him, but he was your first born. You couldn't help it. Rolling your eyes, you lifted Elliot into your arms and smiled at him.

"Why don't you come and help mummy make some cupcakes? Since daddy's been naughty, he can't join in." Your son cheered and nodded his head excitedly. "Come on then." You placed him on the floor and he hurried to the kitchen. Michael was sat watching you both the whole time, his love for you both only increasing by the second. He'd never loved anyone more than he loved his beautiful girlfriend and son.
Standing up from the sofa, he began to make his way to the kitchen, knowing you'd let him join whether you'd said he could or not. All of the cupcake ingredients were already lined out on the benches ready to be used. You washed your hands and helped El wash his before getting started. You'd bought plastic monsters to place on top of the cakes, but Elliot had already taken a liking to them and picked one out of the packet.

"Look daddy! It's a monster!" The little boy gasped in horror and Michael couldn't help but chuckle.

"You're right buddy. You know who else is a monster?" Just like that, Michael lifted his hands in the air and put his hands into a grabbing position. Your sons face lit up as he yelped as his dad ran around the kitchen, chasing him endlessly. You couldn't stop yourself from laughing, you loved how Michael did everything to try and make you both happy. Before long, Elliot was hanging over Michael's shoulder and laughing hysterically.

"You're crazy." You shook your head wearing the biggest smile on your face. Elliot was placed back onto the floor and he wandered around by your other side.

Michael tipped your chin up so he could look directly in your eyes, "Yeah, for you." He knew exactly how to make your insides melt. Placing his lips on yours, he began to slowly, but passionately kiss you. A gentle tug on your jogger bottoms caught your attention and the kiss disconnected. You'd forgot about Elliot being in the room and blushed a little realising that you'd nearly just made out with each other in front of your son.

"Why do you and daddy always do that?" That question was unexpected and you had no idea how to respond. Michael took control of the situation at hand and bent down in front of El.

"Buddy, when people love each other, like me and your mummy do, we like to show it sometimes. That's the way we like to show it." He was clearly struggling for words to describe it with. Elliot's best doe eyes and pout cropped onto his chubby face.

"Do you not love me like that?" He looked so disheartened that your heart broke a little bit. He was too young to understand the kind of love Michael and you shared, but you knew one day he'd learn.

"Of course, not quite in the same way, but I love you. You're everything to me, little man." Michael had never been so serious before and you knew his words were spoken sincerely. Elliot crushed his face into Michael's chest and nearly knocked him off his feet. These were the moments you lived for because nothing could beat seeing your two most treasured people share such beautiful moments together. It was precious.
After sharing a few more sentimental moments, you all got back to work on the cupcakes. To say the kitchen was a complete wreck afterwards would be one of the largest understatements. Michael decided to start a food fight when you began the second batch and there was dough all over the kitchen. In the sink, on the benches, in your hair, you name it; it was likely to be there.

Once the cupcakes were finished with all their decorative elements, you all took one each and headed into the living room. Elliot begged to play Mario Kart, so that's what you all did until his bed time. The cheating from earlier rarely occurred now that you were in the room watching Michael's every move.

After a few more hours, Elliot's head began to droop onto Michael's lap and he refused to admit his exhaustion. It didn't take long for him to fall into a deep slumber. Mikey stroked his head soothingly and smiled down at him.

"I'll take him to bed if you want?" You interrupted the moment he was having, and he shook his head.

"It's fine, I'll do it babe." Lifting El up, he carried him to his room and tucked him into his bed. He was going to leave and join you in the living room, but decided he wanted to snuggle with his little man for a bit. However, a little bit turned into hours as he fell asleep with an arm wrapped around his tiny torso. Michael's legs dangled off the end of the bed because he was far too tall for it.

When you eventually decided to go and see where he was, you saw them lying there asleep and your heart was ready to burst. Nothing had ever looked so adorable. Michael shifted on the bed and turned to face you. Carefully, he stood up making sure not to wake Elliot. Stood in front of you, you could see how worn out he was and you knew he needed to get some more sleep.

"Let's go to bed yeah?" You question knowing that he won't refuse. He looks at you directly in the eyes and the corners of his mouth lift into a smile.

"You know, I never thought I'd ever have any of this. I couldn't have any of it without you. You're incredible, and I've never loved someone as much as I love you. Promise me you'll never leave me?" His weary faced proclamations of his love for you were enough to make you completely cave in.

"I promise; I would never leave you, not ever. I love you, Mikey." You lightly kissed his lips after that to help soothe away his worries.

Shortly after, you were both cuddled in bed fast asleep with your fingers entwined in his. This was the love you'd always hoped to find.

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